Show us Your Tablette 10

It was a special request when I ordered the speaker lengths if memory serves I think they cost £50 when ordered with the speaker cable.

How did you find the Phantom? I’m using the Morgana din-din & din-XLR with TQB presently but am curious as to how a ‘full loom’ would sound.

30 day return of course but I’m not sure I can be bothered with the faff.



Definitively not Tabettes 10. But ProAcs with standard links.

I am a fan of the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method. If it was designed like that why change?

Sounding great.

Forgot the picture… sorry.


Chic & SQ but expensive…



This interesting. The inside bit where the terminals attach is white on yours, like the cabinet, yet on my oak models the inside bit is black.

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That is odd. I assumed it would be a standard black back plate on all models.

Mine are ‘special’ hehe.


Julien; do your speaker cables really bring such sparking and colourful sound?

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I still use the Phantom and own two pairs one for the main setup and the other for the Nait 2, for me a big jump over NACA5 and its also bendy. Once owned the Hatpin between the 272 and 250 at the same time as the Phantom and this was a nice lift so I guess this counts as a full loom.
Next year I hope to purchase the Morgana for my 300s or maybe Santa may bring an early surprise.

I would give the Phantom a go Graeme as you say 30 day money back nothing to lose except postage.

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Here is what I have on the back of my Proacs:

Apologies for the crummy cell phone pic, and hope that the fact that they Proac but not Tablettes will not incur any wrath.

I have them going to the bottom posts first per my dealer’s recommendation - I see others going the other way; what is the rationale in either case?

Nothing scruffy about this and you never see it unless your directly behind the speakers when having the speakers positioned as ProAc suggest toes in so not to see the sides. Which opens up the soundstage so much more I found.


Those copper phase plugs are just so sexy IMO.

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I find the hf more open & refined when fed ‘direct’. Interestingly this may parallel the received wisdom when bi-amplifying that (somewhat counterintuitively) you connect your ‘best’ or most powerful amp to the hf.

It’s a broad church this hobby though and I suspect there is no ‘right’ answer.


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Well if I ever get my 272 back from service (been gone what seems like forever now…in fact, I think it’s about time for “WTF” email) I may try a little switching A-B test and see what I think.

Atacama Pads just arrived, I was so curious whether these would bring any improvement over the Blutack between speaker and wood blocks on my desk, as I was a bit disappointed couple of months ago with IsoAcoustics Pucks, which made them sound almost clinical, something was wrong with the treble.

Now with the gel pads overall sound is very similar to the sound with the blutack, with one small, but substantial difference in bass region in particular - with the blutack the bass was somehow distorted, if that makes sense, more dominant, which in some cases can be an advantage as these are known for their “lack” of certain low frequencies. These micro details are hardly audible on casual listening, but in my case in near field, critical listening, it is detectable. With the pads bass is easier, probably due to their isolation characteristics, which helped the entire frequency range to be more coherent, more effortless is probably the best way to describe the difference. Very pleased with the purchase, especially given the cost.


They used to live in my office, which was rather smallish, after the move, they found their new home in the livingroom and i have to admit, that i never thought of how awesome this little speakers do sound.

Pretty happy, that i bought them.


That’s exactly what I’ve found on all the speakers I’ve used them with… deffo worth the money and easy to adjust speakers on the stands