Show us your tuner

Crimson amps they were all the rage for a period.

Proper tuner!:sunglasses:


Together with the sticker for preset. Cool!


How about “Show Us Your Tuners Back & Front End”


My old Magnum Dynalab MD102T , with Mrs Houdini .

I got Mrs Houdini in early December 2012, I let her out the cat basket and she hid behind the curtain.
I came down the following morning and she had disappeared, I didn’t se her for two weeks until she slowly appeared one evening .

The Dynalab I still have but it needs a service and new valves. R3HD is a very acceptable service so in no hurry to replace

This is the first time I saw her after two weeks hiding under the cooker


Naim Audio’s finest ever source component - the mighty NAT01!


Great thread @LindsayM


I feel it will not be sold….if I refer to your another running thread :grin:

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How many Tuners do you own?

Very nice!

I still have one of these - CT1641. It sounds surprisingly “nice”.


Yes, The pre amp was battery powered.

I still have quite a few, although many are boxed up these days. I’m very happy with the NAT03 in the main system so I don’t tend to rotate in some of the collection as much as I used to.


I only ever had 2 tuners, both Meridian 104s. Sold the first one when I lived in an FM blackspot and got the current one a few years later for less than I sold the original. I don’t have an aerial since moving but can’t bring myself to part with it.

I have never seen any QUAD unit painted black before. Was that a user modification?

(To my eyes, much smarter than QUAD’s usual drab khaki, as in the other photo.)

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A picture of my QUAD FM4 with matching 34 and 306 all bought in 1992. This system is now used infrequently as a second system. I don’t tend to listen to FM radio much these days as Radio 2 is now aimed at a different demographic.
The FM4 had a good reputation when it was current particularly if it was linked to a good quality aerial.


Excellent, beautiful stuff, and welcome back.

In regular use … well at least once a week.
RS on the roof but it’s lost a couple of elements to pidgeons.


Mine is used everyday, for much of the day.

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The Quad 34, 44, 306, 405 and FM4 were all available in grey as an alternative to brown for the last few years of their life. I think the 77 series was black. The 99 series was all grey. And Quad does use black now. I have a Quad “Artera Stereo” power amplifier which is black. (This is Quad’s top current dumping amplifier at present.)


It still does sound good. I have a grey FM4 boxed up in the loft as I managed to get a second NAT05 XS for almost no money, so use that on my office system instead of the FM4, which needs a new display.