Show us your turntable

Both my tables are doing great - here they both are spinning today


Focus 111 - a very fine, possibly great, album.


It’s a great album, and sound great too.

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I have a Well-Tempered Turntable with the square motor Block, yours is very nice. What is the cartridge, it’s got that master like sound that bowled me over.

What LP12 plinth is that?

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Is your plinth from Solid Sounds? (I see a jar of something, not sure what, with their name on.)

I have a fairly new Solid Sounds Wenge (a non-endangered, tropical hardwood) plinth for my LP12, which I’m very pleased with, all the better for liberal dowsings of walnut oil. As long as no varnish has been applied, the oil soaks into the wood, which ‘feeds’ the wood and brings out the natural colour and grain.

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Looks like a Panda Stack from solid sounds to me.


Yeah - it’s a Panda Stack built by Paul Knipe from Solid Sounds. The deck was re-built with the new plinth for me on my last visit to Moorgate Acoustics by Paul Hobson.


Lenco 75 late 82/83 tone arm a lot of modifications you can’t see underneath to make it better and plywood base (soon to be replaced by a zebra wood base) at the moment it’s running a at95 cartridge Witch to be honest for £49 is surprisingly very good
Not to sure what to put on it to be honest so any recommendations please shout (£400) price range


Dynavector make great cartridges.

The least expensive in the range is the 10x5 high output MC cartridge but it is half as much again as your £400 upper limit. It would be a great choice if you could stretch your budget. (But it has a bright red body so, as wonderful it might sound, it would clash horribly with the green LPs in your collection.)


The Hana EL is an extraordinarily accomplished and natural sounding cartridge at that price point. It certainly outperformed some much more expensive units (which had also been well-reviewed) the last time I heard it demonstrated.
If you need a high output cartridge, I understand that the EH version is not far behind.



My new LP12, and I’m one happy bunny :heart_eyes:

Walnut | Karousel | Radikal 1 | Kore | Trampolin 2 | Ittok LV II | AT750SH


Look at the Nagaoka range, or perhaps an Ortofon 2M Bronze.


Not mine but just heard and too pretty not to show you.

Then home to decompress and process with this: -




All except for The Radikal1 - I have a Lingo4.

I also have it connected to a Supernait3 which is hooked up to an NDX2 and PMC speakers (25.23s.) I love mine - How are you finding yours!?

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I’m intrigued that you are still using an Ittok LVII. I had one of the comparatively rare Japanese-built Black ones a long time ago, before I switched to the ARO that I still have now, which I bought from Jude Martens and Ray Horn of Grahams in Islington 30-odd years ago.

Has your Ittok ever been serviced in all that time, and have you ever been tempted to swap for one of the newer Linn Ekos or other tonearms? I’m not suggesting change for change’s sake - the Ittok was always a class performer, and there used to be a theory that the initial Glasgow-built Ekos arms were no improvement on the Japanese-built Ittok ‘originals’.

The Ittok is a used arm on a new deck - as I tried to spend the inevitably limited funds available in the order of bearing / power supply / sub-chassis / arm / cartridge. Not having to buy an external phono stage also influenced the MM decision, as I have a Supernait3.

As it happens, I am having a slight issue with the arm (hum as opposed to hiss on RH channel which is almost certainly down to the wiring between stylus & phono plug), but that should be resolved by the (very helpful) dealer on Monday.


@haffle - That was exactly the same logic I used as well. I already had an NDX2 connected to my SN3 but I’d say 90% of my listening is now vinyl since getting the LP12.

@1GiantLeap - me too! The NDX2 hardly gets a look in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: