Show us your turntable

Hope that hum issue is resolved soon. That’s an excellent and well thought out deck that will give you years of enjoyment. Any upgrades are just icing on the cake

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Guys, not sure if this book has been mentioned before, but I just took delivery of mine. Nice coffee table addition to the listening room for turntable lovers


And here’s mine - just freshly Karoseled and Radikal upgraded :blush:


Nice plinth colour.
Is that a standard or custom plinth?

Thanks! Custom Wenge from Woodsong


I like this one ! So much more flexible then any you have posted !

I’ll leave now …………


A few things we learn from that clip:

  1. Any component you don’t know the name of is called ‘a nozzle’.
  2. The ‘jukebox’ record centre doubles up as a clamp - even though it doesn’t appear to fasten to the spindle (maybe it 's just made of something really, really heavy, like DU?).
  3. There might be a platter mat going begging there if anybody wants one.

Thanks for sharing that - enjoyable in a masochistic sort of way!

I like the way you can covert your rekords into a USB

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@Jamiewednesday - seen this?


Here’s an alternative but not sure it qualifies as a turntable. Record player yes so I’ll take a punt. Not mine either but whatever……

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thank you very much.

Thank you- fascinating, I thought it was a bit of a joke, but there has been some serious thought gone into it

best wishes


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Surely this should be “kan konvert”?

The Sony ones were more interesting. Same form factor but could be played vertically. This was a design requirement for cramped Japanese homes at the time with no room for a turntable. You see them now and then in films from the early 80s.

Equal parts terrible idea and genius.

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I would only be interested if I could have a Sony TT that I could affix upside down to the ceiling (once I’ve worked out how to stop the LP falling off the platter). If I can’t have that, I’ll just have to slum it with my now ancient LP12.

A Technics SL10 might do the trick here. You could famously hang it vertically on the wall and it would play just fine.


Yes, of course, Richard, that was the completely square one, that looked a bit like a giant Walkman (if we’re thinking of the same thing).

Yes. But don’t be fooled thinking it’s a toy - it’s a very serious bit of kit, beautifully built, and capable of performing well beyond expectations. The EPC-310MC cartridge it came equipped with was very special too.

Image courtesy of zstereo.


  1. Glanz MG124 12" premium + Koetsu Tiger Eye
  2. Fidelity Research FR66S + Koetsu Blue Lace
  3. Glanz 10" + DS Audio Grand Master
  4. Groovemaster III 12" + Phasemation PP2000