Show us your turntable

Sorane is the own brand of „IT Industries“, which has been manufacturing tonearms in the OEM business in Japan for about 40 years.
Customers are e.g. Ikeda and Dynavector.

atb, Tom

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I like the look of your new German turntable. It’s a direct drive if I remember well. How do you compare it vs the Bauer ? If the comparison is possible, because of different arms and cartridges.

Yes, it is a direct-drive with a sub-Chase.

Compare will take some time, because the MC-card and PSU of Phono-Pre are also new. So all need some burn-in…

atb, Tom


Some impressive German engineering in there Tom!



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That is something else for a change here. Looking forward to hear your report on the StSt. Actually seeing one for the first time. Would be great to hear your opinion on the difference of those two TT.
Both quite unusual constructions.

Having lived with the DPS3 for over 12 years myself now (though with a Schröder 2 arm), I had a chance to hear a Brinkmann Bardo with a Rönt 2 recently in my place. The smallest Brinkmann left a huge impression with it’s precise and black presentation and I thought the DPS days were counted. But bringing it back on top of my fraim, it reminded myself of what kind of carismatic construction it is. Organic and fluid with this authentic reproduction of tones and timbre.

You will be able to compare both over a long periode. I guess both are ment to stay for different kind of music directions and presentations? Looking forward to hear more :slight_smile:


AVID Acutus Dark Special Edition 002/100. With SME IV and Dynavector DrT XV-1s.


That is a beast of a turntable (and that is not meant in a bad way)! Do you have the second in a limited edition of one hundred?

The SME arm looks very smart in that combo, and I’m a fan of Dynavector cartridges (although I have never heard that one).

Are we to assume that it sounds anywhere near as good as it looks?

No offence taken. It is a beast (in all the best ways😃).

The combination with the SME and Dynavector is incredible.

I have number 2 out of the limited number of 100. Unfortunately AVID kept 001 for themselves🥲


Love those Avids. At the last Bristol show I attended, 2019, one of the sounds of the day was the all Avid vinyl entry system, sounded gorgeous.

So you had to sell your soul to the devil to get 002 then?

May I ask an additional question. It was announced some years ago that SME would no longer sell their arms separately - the reason given was that their entire production was used up on their own record decks, with none left over for individual sale. Has that position changed now? I rather assume that it must have, as you have one of their arms on a non-SME deck.

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No just a large cheque to Analogue Seduction :joy:


Terry & Gary like large cheques. They’ve had one or two off of me in the past😂

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To my knowledge that position has not changed and the IV and V are not available as a separate item. I have owned the IV for a number of years now and have previously had it on a Michell Orbe and Avid Sequel before putting it onto the Acutus. I did have it serviced by SME before mounting onto the Acutus and I swapped the standard SME tonearm cable for a Nordost Tyr2

I have tried other arms but the SME just works with the Avid. I am though looking forward to Avids own arms which I am hearing are due out soon ……but I have been hearing that for at least three years now!!

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My daughter came home yesterday from a shopping trip with her friends with this. She uses it with her Bluetooth speaker. It’s actually well made and easy to use. She’s loving it. Oh and she also bought 4 albums.


My daughter is after something similar. She got two Adele albums for Xmas and enjoyed listening to them on my 2nd system. I’ve pointed her in the direction of a BT auto TT as a starter. It will probably be all she needs.

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Am I reading ‘Aiwa’ down at the bottom corner? It’s not a deck that I’ve seen before, but looks rather stylish.

Have you (or anyone) checked the stylus? It would be a shame if your daughter starts collecting records, but messes them up before she can appreciate them properly.


It has an AT cartridge fitted to it. Looking at the AT website I can’t see the exact cartridge but there’s a replacement stylus and that looks just like it and that’s a ATN3600L.

I would think that it’s worth getting the new stylus and fitting it. You can then have the existing stylus checked over - and kept as a spare (if it’s okay).

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