Show us your turntable

I think there is an easy way to check which it is, from recent conversations with brother in law the AT3600 is essentially what is rebadged as the Rega Carbon. If so, the cantilever will be black. A simple upgrade is (I am led to understand) to swap the stylus for an AT95E.

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Whatā€™s wrong with this picture? :slightly_frowning_face:


Oh dear, what happened?

I caught my sleeve on the arm leaning over the back to plug the cabling back in after moving some stuff around in the back. There was lots of colourful language employed!

Iā€™ve got an Apheta 3 on my P8 I can sub in while the troika goes of to Goldring for a rebuild and new cantilever but itā€™s pretty frustrating - I broke the cantilever of another cart last year too so not having a lot of luck with Moving coils at the moment!!


How many glasses of sherry were involved?

Canā€™t even blame that l! No excuses just being a Klutzā€¦

I feel your pain, having wrecked more than my fair share of MC cartridges through jumper snags. I even once had a Clearaudio Insider fall apart in my hands - literally. Worst of all, it wasnā€™t mine, but on loanā€¦


Thatā€™s not an auspicious start to the year. Please do send me the corpse if youā€™re so cheesed off that youā€™ve decided to give up on nasty LP replay.

What a nightmare. We can prepare for something ā€œconsumableā€ wearing out, but accidental damage is somewhat harder to accept.

Bad luck. Turning a negative into a positive I would imagine it had a lot of hours on it so wasnā€™t performing at its best.

Saying that though, my old Troika a few years back had a bent cantilever courtesy of a previous owner. Canā€™t say that the SQ was effected in any noticeable way.

Oh Wow!:face_with_peeking_eye:
How on earth did that happenā€¦?

OK, Iā€™ve read the rest of the thread now.
Tragedy striking on the first day of the new year. Letā€™s hope itā€™s not an OmenšŸ¤ž

Very ouch. I empathise.
Member of the FMyMC Club:
I did the same to my 2 day-old Krystal a couple of years ago.
You can guess what the F stands forā€¦




Ouch, thatā€™s a real shame.

I feel your pain - this happened to me back in September - an accident with a feather duster, even though the lid was on!


This is why I always listen to vinyl topless. I get some strange looks from the wife though. Certainly no feather dusters involved. Scares the hell out of our cleaner as wellšŸ˜‰



Thatā€™s very bad luck, but perhaps your household insurance will cover it.

Many years ago, a cleaner in my house removed the stylus of a Troika with her yellow duster, despite having been asked to leave the lid of my LP12 closed. Luckily, my household insurance covered the damage on a new-for-old basis. However, an assessor did visit and was astounded to discover the cost of a replacement. Perhaps he didnā€™t really believe me, but he viited the dealer, Lyric Hifi in Belfast and ended up replacing my stylus and buying himself a new system!

By the way, I liked the reference to one of Vanā€™s better albums.

Brian D.


Not a turntable but a new book about turntables from Gideon Schwartz that I received as a Xmas present. Itā€™s a bit lightweight in content and has some surprising and notable omissions, but itā€™s nice enough in its way, and has one or two decks Iā€™d not seen before.


P.s. it also briefly mentions the Naim ARO on the Linn LP12 pageā€¦


Ouch, to quote Neil Young ā€œIā€™ve seen the needle and the damage doneā€


Yeah my insurance covered the last one so hopefully theyā€™ll be ok about this one too - there are no repair options here in NZ though so itā€™s always just a straight replacement.