Show us your turntable

My dream…



Just recently completed a restoration of this wonderful Thorens TD 160B MkII. Custom made Morado and Douglas Fir plinth, Maywear Formula IV tonearm with a ADC XLM MkII cart. Wonderful for another 30yrs.
Naim TT
ADC shadow



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Thank you!

I enjoyed doing this so much I will buy another old Thorens and build an olive wood plinth with matching arm board this time.

Very nice and simple plug and play Rega Planar 1 turntable. Doesn’t have to be better for playing records.


New to us turntable :). I’m in love.


Time for an updated photo, now sporting a Lyra Atlas Lambda SL cartridge. I’m in heaven…


It would be very interesting to compare that lovely old Thorens TD160 deck against a a Linn LP12 with similarly specc’d accessories. I had that Thorens model in my University days immediately before I got my first proper job and was able to buy my own LP12.

Having spent all that money, I wanted the LP12 to sound much better than its predecessor, and I’m sure it did (and still does, as I still have it in greatly modified form over 30 years later).

But it would be interesting to do a ‘blind’ comparative test with both decks similarly set up.

Incidentally, are Thorens still manufacturing/selling the deck for buyers to fit their own choice of tonearms/cartridges?

Hi graham55, i don’t think they offer a TT without tonearm now. Thorens also updated their tonearms with the new decks and as far as I am aware, the no arm option is not available.
I agree that it would be very interesting to hear a side by side with a Linn deck. I don’t think a Thorens of that vintage had the sMe upgrade choices though! This one I restored is pretty much original as far as mechanical is concerned, I added some damping neoprene to the main deck and to the floating deck, cleaned up the electricals and added a figure 8 power cable. Otherwise, other than a good solvent cleaning, lubricating, and new suspension system, it’s pretty much stock. I also have a newer ProJect TT with a Goldring 1042 cart and it does not sound a sweet as the Thorens.

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That’s a shame if Thorens no longer supply the deck for users to fit their own tonearm and cartridge. It used to be a very capable deck for a fairly reasonable amount of money.

Thanks for the info.

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Their preferred alternative used to be SME who have withdrawn from providing tonearms for the likes of Michell etc , so it makes sense for Thorens not to offer decks minus tonearms

They do make/offer some cartridges but the pictures from the website clearly show cartridges as a user choice


Yes, as I understand it, SME only supply tonearms for their own (rather gruesome) record decks. That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, but I’m not party to their thinking.

That’s actually a nice looking TT in your photo. Is it thought to be a decent performer. do you know?

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Nice Clearaudio TT, except for that big ring on the platter?

Clearaudio like for it’s users to use clamps

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What happened to the original platter?


I like the Acutus Dark. I imagine that would be an upgrade from my Orbe (with SolidAir Pylons) and I could keep my SME V.

Is there Dark a regular edition?


I started with a Thorens TD160, which came with a Thorens arm.
That went in favour of a Mission 774, silver wired and a Moth ‘Dustbuster’ Power Supply (mail order from HiFi News I think).
I also got a series of upgrade suggestions/recommendations from the late Len Gregory aka The Cartridge Man, who use to upgrade TD150’s.


What do you find troubling about the ring?