Show us your turntable

AEL LAB 2000


which cartridge is this?


Very cool looking deck! With the platter it reminds me of the JBE decks. Please do show us some more pics, and give more details if you have them.

Same turntable as last year, just a different angle.
Still sounding amazing!


Project pick it s2 mm.
Sounds very nice. And still possible to improve if is needed.
But for now I am happy.
TT is project X1 with an upgrade powersupply. All very simple but as said. I am happy and I like how it looks.


Thanks! it looked like Ortofon mono.

I landed across this by chance, now I’m not sure what to do with it.


Play some records perhaps? :innocent:



Hmmmm :thinking:
Wish for any suggestions?
Maybe apart from play a lot of records :joy:

Mike, it’s a beauty … :wink:
(Keep posting the pictures, they are all a delight)


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It was a real value buy. The consensus seems to be to add a Lingo 4 and Karousel bearing, which will be an excellent LP12 for a modest cost.


Sure. Agreed.
That would be a sure and solid way forward.

First, IMHO, you’re doing exactly the right thing in this situation. That is, to play a lot of records, get to know how it works. Just enjoy it.

By itself, that LP12 is such a lovely thing to look at. Also, a marvellous music making machine.

Maybe think about what next, over time. Ask lots of people (with experience) for advice…

With a 552 + 300, there’s no limit to where you might go with your LP12. It can be a rewarding journey to discover what Vinyl can offer.

Maybe the first philosophical question might be to consider your aims. Do you wish to achieve a modest level, simply to discover and enjoy more from Vinyl. Or maybe aim to be at parity, same or similar level, with your other source? That might guide what happens.

Lots might say, just get it serviced properly and enjoy it. From following your comments last few days, it’s already a step up from the basic Rega you enjoyed before. That would be fine too.

Tell you what…
If you wish to go over to “Show us your Sondek”, or maybe start a new thread, I’ll share a few things that might be of interest.

Very best wishes.


If you find you enjoy playing vinyl records and all that it involves, you might consider getting a record cleaning machine.


I would, but @Bevo warned me not too :smile::smile:

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LOL :joy:
Yep, completely get that.
Might be best to steer clear…

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An Ortofon 2M Blue will be a quite nice update.
My X2 was fitted with a 2M Silver, but clearly outperformed by the Blue…

Have you bought it already? What cartridge will you put?
Go for it, but be assured that your dealer knows how to set it up. It needs maybe some tuning.
Looks nice !

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Keep it as it is for now* and just play some records and enjoy. What you have there is a classic combination of, (I assume) a Valhalla spec deck, with Ittok and OC9, all very much working in a manner complementary to each other.

*Oddly enough, the LP12 of this vintage was a lovely sounding thing even without all the latest upgrades.