Show us your turntable

Other than making sure the stylus is still usable I would just play records and get used to the sound it makes. That might help drive better decisions about upgrade priorities.


Okay many thanks for the feedback. I am not sure if I expected that blue would be better than the silver.

If the deck is not in good condition, the Vahalia is old now, the stylus may be not in good condition too, you have an Rega Rp10 with Apheta 2 for 7k AUS dollars in Sydney hifi.
But maybe all is good, I hope for you.

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I did buy it Sweetie, it was such a bargain at £650, and it’s in mint condition. I just don’t know how worn the OC9 cart is. It’s all original except it has the Circus bearing upgrade.

It was an unexpected buy, it was sitting in our local electronics store when I went in too ask about having my Star checked out. But I do prefer the fruit box style over the top end Rega.


Well, I am now very curious on your impressions. What is the original price of an OC9? Is it an MC or MM? Better than Rega Exact?

About 400 pounds I think, it’s MC. I’ve only compared the Exact on the RP3 versus the OC9 on the LP12, so probably not a fair comparison. The LP12/OC9 is a lot more detailed and textured, clear and open, bass is tighter, though the RP3/Exact has more punch - if that makes sense.

The LP12 probably cost less than a new MM I was thinking of getting for the RP3.


Some of our Luv items like amps are static and difficult enough to jump off….but the turntables go round and round😂

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So you made a real bargain. Just surprised that the P3 has more punch.

Punch might not be the right description, more an audio illusion where the lower end is more pronounced. They have very different presentations.


MoFi Studiodeck with MoFi studiotracker mm cart. It sounds great.


A quick check in an old copy of Hifi Review from '88 at their recommended cartridges shows the OC9 at £399, narrowly undercutting the Linn Karma (£435). They summed up thus: “Lively and detailed, it rivals the more expensive Linn Karma. It has no other competition at the price.”


I was intrigued by your comment and playing some older records, I fully get that it sounds just right on a good analog recording.

Do you think the standard upgrades can tip the balance or is it more a case of it has a certain good presentation as a whole that is best enjoyed as it is? BTW it had a Cirkus bearing.


Your Linn sounds very similar to mine. I’d enjoy it is for now. Get it on the right support. Maybe get a new belt. That’s it.


I think there are different schools of thought:

Modern day is to lower noise floor and hear as much as possible. So with higher spec LP12s to Klimax this is what you get.

The older school will say keep valhalla and Ittok or Ekos 2 and leave the chassis and modern power supplies.

I had the old valhalla and changed it out for Lingo 1 as I wanted to play 45s. I got the Kore and Cirkus bearing, tonearm bearings replaced and then recently Karousel.

In my opinion you have a good turntable as it is. Once you start the upgrade trail you may want more and more. The upgrades get very expensive as you move up.

The other thing to do is to replace the cart and get it serviced and then leave it alone until you know what you want from it. As a second source does it need to be higher spec?


I guess the other point is your amplification is top notch and as such will be highly revealing of any inadequacies in the source.

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What would be happily termed to be the hi-fi paradox!

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In an attempt to preempt your next question, I reckon a Stageline S on Aux2 on your NAC will see you right.

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I actually preempted getting a better turntable by getting a Heed Quasar PS - primarily because I already had the big Heed Obselik PS on my Canalot and the PS can power both units. That’s a wonderful Phono so no plans to change that out.


The classic Linn is looking less and less like an “unexpected buy” by the moment!


Ha ha, I was going to stay with Rega, but this just looked too good to pass by, and it is. It’s already looking at being my best value hi-fi purchase and by some margin.