Show us your turntable

Yes I’ve read similar to that view elsewhere so the Ania Pro is obviously a very strong performer. I’ll likely be able to hear it demonstrated in a Rega TT so that will be useful too. Thanks!

Not mine but on display on the 6th floor of Tower Records in Shibuya, Tokyo.


Tarted up Technics SL1500c?


That tonearm really doesn’t deserve to be painted yellow! I wonder who came up with that strange idea?

It’s not yellow paint. It’s some kind of metallic finish. Brass, maybe?

It looks dreadful, whatever it is!


Blockquote[quote=“A-Fin, post:4183, topic:7944, full:true”]
Rega planar P8 with the Ania cartridge and Fono Mk4 for now.

It’s been a while since I owned a TT so will get some experience with the Ania and Fono first. I’ll probably move to the Aria Mk3 first before changing the cartridge. Although I’m very happy with how it sounds now so I’ll take my time on that :grinning:


I think you’re on the right track. Phono stage first. The idea of upgrading the arm to the RB3000 seems shortsighted to me, the money would be better spent toward an upgrade to the P10 and the totality of improvements you’d gain, along with the RB3000.

Go with the phono preamp.


That’s what I’m aiming to do! When I’m ready I’ll also keep an eye open for ex demo ones for sale :grinning:

Agree , I really like the look of the SL1500C , I think one of it’s strengths is it’s simplicity

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Yes, Ian, but - even if the armwand had to be yellow - was it necessary to have the ‘splash effect’ around the arm mount and what I assume to be a speed variation control?

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The SL1500 doesn’t have speed control that was stripped out, it apparently has a built in phono stage , I think it would be ideal with an Atom or a basic Nait


To be fair Graham, I don’t think you (or I) are the target market for this one :rofl:

I assumed that that was the circular recessed button above the on/off control. (I can’t think what that would be otherwise.)

On a different point, Technics have been using variants of that tonearm design for years and years now.

The whole ‘package’ is nicely laid out!

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Oddly enough, when I was looking to buy a ‘second turntable’ to go with the Linn-refurbished ARO that I found, I tried very hard to source a variant of the Technics SL1500 which would allow me to mount the ARO. I did find a Linn variant, so I would have been okay if I had been wanting to use an Ittok or Ekos, but there’s nothing for the ARO.

So I’m slumming it with a Cymbiosis-supplied LP12.


Very nice. I was more referring to the bling of the black and yellow deck rather than the fact it was a technics (I was not even sure it was to be honest)

Lovely, with the Nait 50 and Falcon speakers I think it would sound superb

I m so happy for you with that combo

I’m very happy with it.

Just looking for a larger table - to give a bit more space, and to allow the old CD player and my spare NAT02 to be incorporated.

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Actually that’s what I miss about it, the strobe is so relaxing…

I hoped they would have recreated the original SL-150/1500 mk1:


A classic.


I have the version of this without the phono stage - the SL100c. Honestly for £600 through a Stageline it sounds superb given the relatively modest outlay, especially with a decent headshell…