Show us your turntable

Great Cart. Which MM did you have?

I had the Goldring 1042 - still a good cartridge, which I will probably sell once I am settled with the DV

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My Kuzma with 9" and 12" arms.


So what do have mounted on each arm. Do you have a dual input phono-stage?


[Sep '22]

Not 2 turntables but I’ve Kuzma Stabi SD with 2 arms. Stogi S 9 inch with Sound Smith Carmen MK II and Stogi S 12 inch with Lyra Helicon. I use modified quad twenty four p phono stage with 3 inputs option.


This week I had the opportunity to listen to the new PD-191A from Luxman in detail at home:

I am in love… :star_struck:

atb, Tom


That’s a very nice looking TT 8)

How does it sound!? And what would it be replacing?

None of these changes can be measured nor heared. Reason for this is simple: Loudspeakers add >10% of distortion and the graph si showing an increase in distortion in between 0,3 up to 0,6 % what´s more than 10 up to 30 times smaller than the error added by your speakers. :wink:

Not tempted to try the matching Luxman MC cartridge with it?

Thorens td295 my IV
Excuses for the crappy pic and shelving (temporarily)

Thinking of upgrading it because of spinning more vinyl lately. Stil a few Rega P3 anniversary editions at dealers I believe might be a contender? Read on the www that some Rega’s have in balance probleem beteeen left and right channel?

Other contender might be an Audis audio turntable. Anyone familiar with those?


A P3 is good, but is probably not how I would spend c.£1k when eBay (from private seller or dealer) offers so many options. However, I have not heard the Audis.


A thing of beauty

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frenchrooster already answered :sunglasses:. still same…

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Compared to my previous turntables, the immediately audible characteristic of the Luxman is an incredible “quietness” and enormous stability in the sound image.

It also offers better detail resolution and spatial imaging, especially in the depths.

Future will tell, if the Luxman will replace both the Bauer DPS3 and/or the StSt Motus II DQ…

atb, Tom


I also had the matching LMC-5 at home at the same time - but the pick-up only had 3 hours playing time.

And since I was only able to listen to the PD-191A on two evenings, I used my two cartridge that I had played in and was familiar with for comparison.

atb, Tom

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Apologies for posting here but did not want to open a new thread.
Recued by a friend and I offered to try and give it a full overhaul.
It needs a good clean and a new belt but no further tests performed yet.
I owned one of these before and they were rock solid. The RB 200 is also a very good arm.


Lovely, check the speed. It’s a relatively easy thing to change the resistors.

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Just don’t touch the bias as the belt is likely perished and replacement is not a job for anybody but the most dedicated.

I recommend you change not just the drive belt but also the belt that hangs the motor.


Quite easy to swap the motor out for the directly attached version. I did that on my old gen 1 planar in under an hour, worthwhile improvement

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Then it starts to get expensive and for not much more a good pre owned more recent P3 comes into view.

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