Show us your turntable

I tried very hard to get exactly that Luxman PD-191 turntable to go with an ARO rewired by Linn (not Naim) in a little system based round my newly-acquired Nait 50.

I gave up eventually, as I couldn’t find a tonearm fixing for the ARO. I found a Linn fixing, and a solid aluminium piece which would have meant drilling to take the ARO.

I gave up at that point and spoke to the ever-helpful Peter Swain of Cymbiosis, so I now have my second LP12, expertly set up by them, with a rebuilt Troika from Goldring.


I have puchased the Luxman PD-191A now and will set it up this evening - I’m verry excited… :star_struck:

atb, Tom


Up and running… :heart_eyes:

atb, Tom


Keep us informed. As a DPS3 owner I am very interested in your findings :slight_smile:

Looks lovely - what is the rest of the system ?

I had a Planar 2 from that era, with the R200 arm. My first decent TT.


Devialet Expert 440 pro CI, TAD CE-1, Antipodes KALA 50, Naim Fraim, stoic wallmount, LAB12 Gordian and WireWorld cables (Silver Eclipse).

Current turntables bevor Luxman: Bauer Audio DPS3, StSt Motus II DQ.

atb, Tom


Lovely looking deck. Did you go for the optional lid?

Not yet.

Also thinking about the heavy counterbalance weigth OPPD-HW3 to be more flexible for the pick ups…

atb, Tom

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Not mine, of course, as you can see there are 5 turntables. I distinguish the top Vpi, not the recent one , EMT ( 927?), Techdas Air Force ( One ?), Continuum Caliburn.
Top Kondo tubes amps, JBL ( ?) loudspeakers.


Those 'speakers look like next generation Daleks! FR…you have excelled beyond even your own high standards in findind audio curiosities.


Rubbish system, no LP 12…


The inevitable consequence of trying to find a superior turntable to an LP12.


FR, could you please accredit the image. Thanks.

Audio circles site. Sorry.

Just call me AI ?

I wouldn’t mind listening to that Studder from the comfort of that Eames but it’s far too cluttered and a visual mess.
I really can’t imagine anyone enjoying music in such an environment. It would put me right off.

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Ah the joys of a sans-serif font. I just typed a capital I and a lowercase l in this sentence. Can you teII which is which merely by Iooking?

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The room is not a living room, but a dedicated listening room. Personally it wouldn’t bother me, specially as there are so many wonderful components, specially the Continuum and Tech Das turntables, and the Kondo top monoblocks.
But for every day listening, I prefer a cosy living room, with windows, plants….

I never said anything about living room. Let me re-frase that: it’s bloody awful!