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When people tell me they’ve ‘heard’ that Rega arms don’t well on LP12, I reply, “A Linn dealer told you that, right?”
A chuckle or smile always follows.
Wasn’t there a well-known British hi-fi reviewer who praised the RB1000 on his personal LP12?


You can put Origin live arms on lp12, and even SME 309.


Linn also make arm boards for SME & Rega , as my urologist says

It’s best to go with the flow

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Not sure if it didn’t match or the dealer didn’t want it to match. Needless to say armed with the cable dressing knowledge it worked on someone else’s deck!

Having seen one on Ebay for £1990, I fetched this out of the roof. A bit of dusting off and it doesn’t look too bad. There is a faint stamp on the underside of the platter that says “Passed 30 April 1957”.
Sadly the motor isolating bushes are perished so I need to find a way of dealing with that, then checking out a pair of caps and what may be a resistor in the switch circuit.
If it does work, a bit of research suggests the arm will limit me to an AT91 or Rega carbon.
I don’t really want to drill the top plate so perhaps plinth mounting may be an option.
At the minute it’s about playing. If I get it going, I’ll come back.


In the Sound Org at Southwark I demoed the Xerxes/RB300 against the LP12/Ittok with K9 in 1985, I’d assumed that I’d want the Linn and had budgeted for that. That day I felt the Xerxes just held the bottom end and the pacing together so much better than the Linn that there was only one choice. As you can see from my profile for another 10 years I always preferred the Roksan choices. I remember HiFi review always warned against the Rb300 on the Linn, and I think (not sure) that Del Jenkins at Sound Org also didn’t like it as a combination.


The flow like “ what flows your boat” ?

The arm is the real limiting factor here. Get it properly sorted and mounted on a large plinth, then run a 12" tonearm an you’ll be surprised. I have a Connoisseur Craftsman III and it’s a lovely old thing!


I made the same decision except that I first heard the Roksan at the Cornflake Shop.


Parallel worlds… I started work in '86, so this was all happening around '86/'87 in my world (Grahams, Cornflake Shop and West Midlands Audio). Enjoying my first job in IT in Hounslow, being single and the first time I had significant disposable income. I was only too happy to spend it on hifi. I’m still spinning the platters from the original Xerxes. They were harvested as part of the upgrade kit to the Xerxes X… Those platters now being the oldest pieces of my system and the only things I have brought north from my days in Hounslow, oh yes… along with my girlfriend and now long suffering wife!


I’m sure she’s enjoying the music with you. My Artemiz is the one I bought back in 1987, although it was substantially modified by Touraj back in 2008 or so. The oldest unmodified part of my system (ignoring services) are the 135s I bought in 1989, they’re 1984 serial numbers resleeved from chrome number to olive in the factory before I bought them.
Incidentally where is North? I’m in West Yorkshire.


North for me is a village in the Peak District mid way between Sheffield and Manchester…

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Not too far, I’m in a small town/village near Halifax half way between Leeds and Manchester.

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I thought the Xerxes RB300 was much better than the Linn and bought one. I simply could not get on with the bloated bass. This was pre Cirkus. The modern Linn is much cleaner and I am happy to own one now.


Floats your boat…


As the saying goes… competition is good for business!

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Hey Mulberry,
the OMs are such fantastic and complete speakers and playing very well with the SN3. Willi is currently building a successor, which should be available very soon.
Never thought about placing the 2 PSU next to each other. I left it to Willi to set it up and didn’t play around anymore. Believe i will not make it any better if i would…

Rega RB1000 working very nicely on an LP12 for a decade or more here…


It Not an LP12 it’s a modified TD150 look closer.

It’s an Abomination -that’s what it is.

Screenshot 2020-11-21 at 09.12.55

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