Show us your turntable

I´m listening to all of them and swapping between them. Same with Phono Stages. But there are only three of them at same time operational.


It was only put there and pictured. This is a special tracker for DECCA cartridges without beeing in the need of the POD or any other adapter. On this Decca International tonearm you click those DECCA carts simply into place

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Never liked the MKll much. This is the real McCoy!:sunglasses:


Just a variant: my 2nd SP-15 setup


Good to see an FFSS mk2 among that lot. Great cartridge.

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B&O have very likely been bidding ont he used ones on ebay and pushed the price up in the process. :roll_eyes:
As beautiful as those turntables are for £9k B&O can keep them.

I hope the “trip to the tip” was a joke. If not, then please consider me and I will happily have it and do my best to revive it and cherish it for many years to come. :relaxed:

It’s not as if you haven’t seen this one, but it’s nice every time :slight_smile:

(No comments please :slight_smile: the two new rack levels for the CDS3 are taking ages, something with Covid)

Arrived on Dec 29 just in time. My journey had started quite exactly a year ago with a P8 in a completely different system and 12 months later it started to feel like bit of a weak point in the new one. Loved the P8 and it’s unbelievable value for the money but the 10 is something else.


So Don, do you prefer vinyl or CD?

Damn! Congratulations Suedkiez. How does the P10 compare to your other sources?

Thank you! Still didn’t have enough time yet to say. Between the P8 & 2m Black vs. the NDX2/555 I already didn’t have a clear favorite - both fabulous and with different strengths for different music. The P8 was more relaxed maybe, the NDX2 more precise but also a bit more in your face. So what I liked more depended on the material. (Side note, anyone who thinks to have listened Deep Purple’s Made in Japan into ruin and doesn’t want it anymore, try the hi-res on Qobuz)

The P10 is a considerable step up over the P8 I think and I didn’t really expect that. (When I bought the P8 I made it clear to the dealer that a P10 was out of the question and they duly obliged and tried to make me happy by emphasizing that the P8 goes a very long way. I mean it does, but the P10 goes considerably farther).

Didn’t compare the P10 directly to the NDX2 yet, but expect to be even more on par.

It’s a shame but I have barely listened to the CDS3 since I have had it, August or so. At first I hadn’t expected a top-loading CDS3 (nor the 252 and NDX2!) and there was only one stack - under the TT. So I couldn’t really open the CDS3 :joy: Then I was busy with 252/NDX2/etc., then the CD’s XPS was in service, and now it has been back for weeks but the stupid rack levels still missing. And as it’s not properly set up and level I refrained from using it (it has a practically brand new VAM1250 still, which shall not be endangered).

The way this is going, I’ll have all my CDs ripped into Roon before I have the stupid levels.

And LOL, the P10 thing happened because HH, some others, and I had a little discussion about VTA on Regas with e.g. Ortofon systems. And what happened was that HH went P6 > P8 with a spacer and I went P8 > P10 with a new cartridge that is above doubt to shut up the voice in my head. HH’s is a bit further up :slight_smile:


I would persevere with the CDS3 Suedkiez… Lovely system.

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Thanks! Don’t know what I am going to do yet. I thought I needed it as I could not see myself ripping over a thousand CDs and fixing their tags, at least not in a short time. So I thought I’d do one a week and no matter if it takes a few years. But then I discovered Roon and ripping+metadata turned out to be not as much of a drag as I thought it would, and due to the myriad issues (some self-inflicted) it has been out of duty for all this time. It’s lovely (and of rare quality) indeed and I hope I can properly evaluate it soon.


Wow looks great Nigel.


Some really nice turntables on here so thought I would add a picture of new investment. P8 with Apheta 2 and fono stage. Have added a Teddy Pardo power supply, hidden, to supply the fono and turntable


Interesting… presumably the TP power supply was better than Rega’s own dedicated turntable NEO PSU

Love the wall decoration! :slightly_smiling_face:

I had a VM50SH on an AT150 EA body which wasn’t a huge upgrade over the AT150 EA’s standard Nude Elliptical stylus but after I owned the VM50SH for about a month I came across a VM50SLC stylus on Amazon for £300 so I bought that and sold the 50SH.
The Special Line Contact stylus is very nice indeed I’d either go for that or the Micro Line, I did own a 10x5 which is a great cart but it’s a while back so couldn’t really compare it to the AT’s but of course the beauty of these carts is the interchangeable styli.

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Do you mean the VM760SLC? That’s an amazing deal. Nothing like that at the moment on amazon.

The TeddyPardo doesn’t make that much of a difference but I just don’t like the wallwort plugs that are supplied with the Rega.