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New Head Shell (Thomas Schieck) and Koetsu Jade Platinum in my Vintage system



I have one of those HRS record weights. I take it out of the box now and then and try it, it has a calming effect but it never seems to stay in use for long. It can tame an overbright piano but it also tames music that shouldn’t be tamed, robbing some excitement, at least on the two decks I’ve tried it on. Most recently its effect was quite pleasing with some FaurĂ© but it didn’t stay in place long after I put some Jethro Tull on. It probably depends on the particular deck so I’m not saying it’s a bad thing on yours. Mine will get another chance if I ever finish my Lenco project, I have high hopes for it on a rumble drive deck.

Oh and an Aro hits it before the stylus reaches the inner limit of the runout area,

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Well it beats smelly old men’s socks.


Mine arrived yesterday. What a fabulous piece of engineering. I bit the bullet today to see just how it really did compare in a straight a-b to the ND5 XS I’ve got for streaming. Well I never allowed myself to believe that a record player could genuinely best a streamer (albeit one at less than a quarter the outlay). I’m thrilled that the experience vinyl enables is matched by terrific sound quality.

That’s Nina Simone on it btw.

Regards and thanks to the forum for help and inspiration along the path to getting it.


Lyra Delos cartridge


Oh, so much love for the black finish :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Congratulations on your lovely turntable.

If you are feeling brave, a small suggestion. Try easing the tone arm counterweight out a fraction more, then restoring balance by moving the tracking weight collar back towards the middle of the tone arm tube. Only do this if you really know what you are doing, as you risk altering the cartridge geometry if you get it wrong. However, get it right and the cartridge tracking will improve a little and the tracking weight collar will also act as a resonance damper on the tonearm tube.

Whether you try it or not, enjoy your new vinyl collection!

Best regards, BF


Thanks @Bluesfan will give that a go!

Wow. A DPS as well. Lovely setup.
A pair of wall mounted Devialet amps there too ?

This is the Analogis one, 760gr, so a lot heavier than most. I thought I’d try it as the manual explicitly states weights up to 1kg can be used.

Can’t really say whether it makes a difference as I’ve only played with it on this deck and wouldn’t use this on others. I should really try with and without to compare.

I’m somehow doubtful it makes much difference which I realise sounds strange considering I’m using one.

Ah, I mistook it for one of these

Which weighs 315g and has a damping polymer touching the record and gripping the spindle.
My main deck came with a 100g delrin puck, which has a slightly over sized hole and the spindle itself is slightly waisted, the idea being that neither puck nor record couple to the bearing except through the mat and platter. No idea how effective this is but the HRS weight defeats this arrangement.

Comparing HRS to puck to nothing I could hear a difference between all three but the puck gets used most of the time.


You ÂŽre right - upgraded D440pro CI in Oct/2020 after four years.
The Pro is just a different level

atb, Tom

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Very nice Tom - Enjoy :+1:

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Very nice turntable


Yeti what turntable is that please its very nice I like the steel and brass look off the tonearm


The tonearm is a Schröder Reference, Frank Schröder designed the table, too. It was made (I think) by an American company called Artemis, which is no longer in business.


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@Mulberry has nailed it.

My cherished relic!


Very nice! SOTA and HR100?

Yes, Alphason HR100s bought in 1986 if I remember well!