Solar flare show us your pics

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5 pm in which time zone?

It doesn’t really matter, as it was yesterday.

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I am going all the way. I’m building a pyre from all my kit in the garden. When the flares come I shall ignite it and let all my kit burn asunder. In this way it shall be reborn the following day as a much improved system with astounding clarity, immediacy and presence. Let the ceremony commence!

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Dammit. I missed the end of the world. :rage:

How did we make it through the night?

According to Wikipedia, the frequency of solar flares varies from several per day to less than one a week, depending on the solar cycle, so they are hardly rare.

Directly above my house in SE London last night - we never normally get to see anything interesting in the night sky!


Yikes. I hope you turned your Nova off.

What time was that, @crispyduck ?

If interested in the aurora angle there’s another thread started yesterday:

No but seems ok this morning!

About 0100

far too late for my (Forest Hill) daughter, then. :laughing:

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It’s when you can see the northern lights during the day we should get worried.

Sky brightness is the problem. Where I was, in quite a dark sky location, it was just discernible as a possible something (camera revealed not imagination) from about 10:45, much more definite and colours starting to become visible by about 11, and in full glory by 11:15

What the heck, this just happened. Never seen this before. From our front deck looking south :sunglasses:

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Tauranga, NZ.


North Wales - unusually clear skies, new moon, blurry iPhone photos.


Wow… I really overslept an alien invasion

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