Solder banana plugs to speakers?

Hi all,

I don’t know if this is tongue-in-cheek or a sincere question! As you can see in my picture, banana plugs pop out - and moreover I learnt that most of my listening post 300 to 500 upgrade have been with one banana plug unplugged - this very one coming out in the picture. What a difference it’s made to the sound!!!

So now I wonder, should I solder them in? I’m perplexed no one on the forum has - why? Is it because of speaker placement? My speakers are spot on, I also cemented down some granite slabs to the concrete deep beneath.

Which begs the question, would soldering stop all this - and by logic make every part of the connection ‘snug’ considering what I’m now hearing all four banana plugs are in.


As well as the red banana looking decidedly wonky, the spade is only half attached. When I had biwire jumpers this certainly never happened. Maybe the answer is to get some single wired speakers, though that would be very much a sledgehammer to crack the proverbial nut.

Soldering sounds messy. Why not try some kitchen foil to bulk out the banana plug?

Red banana looks like something is broken.

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is that ferrite clamp stopping the + cable from bending as much as the -? that would result in a pulling force on the + plug.
Also, why do you have a ferrite clamp on your speaker cable?

No real helpful answer, but not helping is that ferrite clamp, best to take it off.
Ferrite has no effect at audio frquencies, not even the lowest MnZn mix.

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That’s an idea, thanks and it’s also removable if it doesn’t work.

I’ll try later!


If it were me and I wanted to semi permanent hold them in I would probably use tie wraps, one round the speaker cable with another under it and connect that somehow. Maybe some kind of loop/bracket under the screws for the tie wrap to connect to. Easy to snip and release when you want.

I thought ferrite clamps were a cheap upgrade to sound - blocking RF frequencies at speaker end.

Should I remove them? It was listening to a YouTube guy saying put one on one of the speaker terminals.


Another great idea, thanks. Shows how narrow my ideas are!


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As others have said already; get rid of the ferrite clamp and ask your dealer to have a look at the banana plug …

Naim had a batch of Super Lumina banana plugs that were a loose fit. Mine were, and Naim replaced the cables without question.
That was a few years ago, so how they would handle the same problem on cables that are a few years old I wouldn’t know. Still, I suggest that you talk to your dealer.

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I had the same problem and the banana plugs were loose in the socket new cases supplied under warranty.

If they are not under warranty it might pay to see if Naim can fit new banana plugs?

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Strictly speaking if this is a manufacturing defect you wouldn’t be tied to a time limit related to a warranty. Either way, worth talking to Naim about it.

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This looks a bit like the ‘NC Burndies too tight to lock properly’ issue - definitely one for the dealer to help you sort with Naim, especially in light of the faulty SL speaker cable batch issue referenced above.

Although I’d definitely get rid of all of the ferrites before returning the cables :smirk:.


We also have a topic somewhere regarding the Hi-Line … I can’t recall what the issue was :wink:

I have Chord Company speaker links too and they can be awkward to fit due to the stiffness of the cable and the heavy guage spades. You need to hold them in postion and tighten the clamping nuts really tightly before letting go.

I agree with others re the banana plugs. This shouldn’t be happening. You need to talk to your dealer and he needs to sort it for you.

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This needs to be done with care as if you tighten the nut with a spanner, on some speakers you can end up rotating the entire socket instead of just the nut.


Thanks Chris - not that I would have done it, luckily my speakers have chunky nuts easy to finger tighten. I can imagine some folk doing this though! You speak like a man who has had the bitter experience!

I rarely use spades, but yes, I did manage to rotate the socket on one occasion using a spanner. Only by a very small amount, and no harm was done, but still something to be done with caution.