Solstice turntable for £10K

although unfortunately even at a £6K discount it’s still a bit out of my justifiable price range!


Yes, i saw that……heard one myself, decided vinyl was not for me……too used to streaming. It sounded so Naim, very nice……a steal.

Where is me cheque book? :joy:


No links to sales or commercial websites here please. Thank you.

That’s a lot of turntable for 10K…

One just went for just over £6k recently, full package. The word Bargain doesn’t seem to do it justice.


Yes it’s incredible how bad news travels fast and the lukewarm response that the Solstice has had not least because of the poor flexibility and certain reliability issues. £8k seems to be around the achievable price for a second hand one. That’s a lot of turntable package for that money! Can’t say that I regret moving mine on though!

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What reliability issues?

No comment


Not very helpful for current owners then

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I see a sme 20-3 very nice turntable with a warm deep sound especially with your dynavector drt-xv1t cartridge i had the same set up once enjoy.
By the way i am not surprised you moved the solstice on as really it just wasn’t suited to your needs especially when you changed the cartridge and opened up that can off worms.


So true. Have you heard the latest versions? The latest AC power supplies change the SME sound in such a positive way that I couldn’t turn down the offer to move to a 20/3 when it came around with Alistair from SME doing the install. I heard the 12 mk2 first with my DV and it shocked me as it gave my Solstice a run for its money. The latest 20 is more controlled with superb bass, doesn’t compress however complex the sound gets and now times really well. Nothing boring about the sound at all. The other thing that I’ve lost is that rather lovely fluid ARO midrange quality. A price worth paying IMO Dunc.


I haven’t heard the latest power supply versions as i didn’t know that they had changed them from what i had on mine.
Sme can get the " it sounded slow" but i certainly didn’t find that to be the case especially with the lovely dynavector drt-xv1t on the end off the V arm.
I did stop using the fluid damping on the arm but overall i really enjoyed what it did.

I was going to make the jump to the 12 inch arm but that had it’s own problems due to size but i did like what the 12 inch did.
I would certainly have a sme again.
Anyway enjoy it.

I have a friend with a 30 with a V arm that has at the moment a supertrac blackbird arm on it and he is loving it. I dont think the V will be going back on. I haven’t had the chance to go listen yet but i hope too soon.


Cheers and I’ve gone down the no fluid damping route also.

I’ve got a pair of Chord Music ICs on loan RCA to BNC. Unfortunately they can’t be run in as the sound is a little hard. But I kept my Mogami 2549 IC’s from my Dynavector/ Shahinian days and after fitting BNCs to the Superline side I’m happy as a pig in s…t with the sound. £100 ICs. It just shows that more expensive isn’t always better.


I take it you have the standard tonearm cable 5 pin to rca’s ?

It’s Mogami microphone cable actually but is clearly compatible with 50 ohm BNCs into Superline. Dead quiet. They were RCA to RCA but I prefer the BNC inputs on my Superline. No ground loop issues and a lower noise floor.

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I just looked on the sme website and see that they have changed a bit from the one i had.
Obviously inpoved it so can only be good.

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Yes the improvements are in the power supply and motor. It just sounds more now nimble now with more of that fun factor but still retaining that solid clean presentation. I heard from a neutral source that the latest 20 sounds better than the older 30. I haven’t done the comparison but trying to put acquisition bias aside I can believe it.

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That would be a nice upgrade if that’s the case as it’s really the only complaint you could say about the older versions.
I only moved miine on as i wanted all the best bit’s a sme could do with all the best bit’s a rega 10 could do. Fast, lively but with a great sounding bottom end.
I will have to try and listen to the new versions when i get a chance