Solstice turntable for £10K

What turntable are you running now ???
I remember when you got the sme and you said it was very good .

Thales compact mk2 with base, Thales statement arm and exquisite ST cartridge.

It’s a battery powered turntable made from billet aluminium.


I think a super top table. Together with tw acustic and vertere it is in my dream list


Oh wow battery powered that makes sense as in unwanted feed back to the delicate signal
Can you hear the difference as in day and night difference or is it in a more subtle way
Very interesting indeed.

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It certainly sounds very good. I am very pleased with it.
I had a few nerves time’s with the cartridge as it’s a fantastic cartridge and the best i have ever heard. It has so much depth, detail , and low noise in the grove. But i did find it could also be a bit harsh at times. But i loaded the cartridge above what they recommend, and it finally snapped into place.
Along with my also lovely allnic h7000 phono stage, it produces a lovely sound.
It all gets outstanding reviews, and i can see why. It can easily live with the very top turntables available, and i love the sheer size off it compared to the giant’s out there.


Just spent two hours at my dealer listening to a 300 system but that’s not the highlight! An hour and a half of that was spent listening to the system via Rega’s new Naia turntable. With only a few hours use it was capable of laying waste to all other turntables I’ve heard, and that includes my LP12, Aro, Geddon, Krystal, Superline.

Not my words but someone in the group described it as simply ‘exquisite’. I likened it to the best of digital but to be honest it was far better. More like listening to the master tape. Sweet, musical, propulsive, silent, dynamic and nuanced beyond belief, just a few of the words being used to describe the sound. Everyone in the shop was in full ‘head-banging’ mode every-time it went on.

This was with zero set-up time. It was literally taken off the Rega system, slung on the top glass of a Fraim, plugged in and fired up - this was through the 300 system into ATC 50’s. I can only imagine what this might sound like on an ultra light wall shelf like the one used for the Naiad.

An observation that a couple of us made was that the Naia on the Rega system through some small Neat’s was preferable to digital on the 300 system. There was just something totally addictive about the sound.

Sorry folks but I smell a ‘game changer’ brewing!


Very interesting reading your impressions of the Naia. First reviews online seem to be very enthusiastic so assumed it would good! The local Rega dealer had a Naia launch event but I couldn’t attend unfortunately.

What were the other components in the Rega / Neat system?

Sorry Yetizone, I’m a complete Neanderthal when it comes to gear other than Naim. I can ask my dealer what was being used if you want?

I know It was three full width boxes on a Quadraspire stand and I think there was a phono stage to the side?


Did they compare the P10 with the same cartridge?

I think they’ve quickly compared it to the P10 but not with the same cartridge. From the conversations I’ve heard it’s in another league to what’s come before. I did hear a rumour that its performance is within spitting distance of the Naiad.

No problems at all! Don’t worry about troubling your dealer. Assuming the Rega set up would be something like their Aura phono stage and the Osiris amplifier, both in full width cases (and sound excellent whenever I’ve heard them), and then the Naia power supply in the smaller half width case.

I would certainly want the same cartridge on both to compare as if not then no point in comparing them really as it’s not a fair comparison

What happened to your Solstice?

Shouldn’t this be …for 6k ish?
Rather sad IMO. I thought these would be sought after.

If I had that money, I would go definitely for the new SME 20/3 as well, specially because now it sounds much more involving, due to a new motor and ps. Congrats!

Can you post a picture?

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I’m not sure it matters really. If someone thinks it’s worth the original price, buys it, keeps it and loves it, that’s great. And if someone who can afford the £16k doesn’t want to keep it and takes a bath on selling it, someone with less deep pockets can buy it for £6k and love it too. Eventually they will all end up with appreciative owners.


Not applicable in my case not least because I lost nothing on what I paid for it. I, in effect, only bought the deck and arm anyway. But I agree that the Solstice package is good value at £8k

Sure Rooster. I actually got the idea of using a slab of marble under it from yourself :+1:

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