Solstice turntable for £10K

It’s factory fresh from Glasgow (as was I 68 years ago!), so I’m expecting it to be pretty damn good right out of the box.

Last time I bought an LP12 was 1990, so much has changed, but I have every confidence in Peter Swain to set everything up nicely.


Yes he’s the man for that job for sure. Happy listening!

Any ideas why your latest ARO needed the rewire? Did the seller offer any information regarding what wire was used?

Tonearm wiring definitely seems to be a thing, given a number of places offer rewiring services, I wonder how it might affect the character of your second arm? If I recall correctly having two AROs gives you more of an opportunity than most to listen for the difference, as the arm wands can be swapped? Though you’d need two Te Kaitora Ruas to do the test :wink:

Anyway, just my idle speculation! Hope your second system is commissioned soon so you can start enjoying it, it does sound like it should be quite something.

I think I have to own up to buying the last available length of Aro cable from Naim some years ago. I made a couple of interconnects from it. It was very good but later interconnects do sound better. I might still have them somewhere in my retired audio collection but I’ve no idea where!

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It was all rather accidental.

First off, I bought the NAIT50, as it seemed such a lovely retro design. Then I found the Linn re-wired ARO with Colin Lacey in Beaconsfield, which included a very broken Linn Troika - which I sent to Goldring for rebuild. My idea at that point was to use two different ARO armwands into the NAC52 in my main system.

It occurred to me then that I could make up a rather wonderful ‘second’ system, using those components, so I bought a Japanese-built Ortofon step-up transformer, a pair of Falcon LS3/5A loudspeakers, and I asked Cymbiosis to fix up a new LP12.

We shall see what transpires!


I’m talking with Chord Co. about a custom Sarum T phono cable with BNCs. I’m thinking this is the better way to go than messing with the Clear Audio Litz wire.


That would make sense to me Chris. That Clearaudio tonearm cable is a pain to work with and not the best quality either. The issue you will have is the connector out of the ARO. I couldn’t get a 90 degree or straight line one to work with Music cables. Chord didn’t seem interested in sourcing a 45 degree for me. Of course if you aren’t sitting the Solstice on a FRAIM tier then other options are of course possible

Chord Co. said they had made a few Solstice cables. They just needed to source the 45 degree DIN. Perhaps they have figured it out now? I’m waiting to hear back…


Fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers:

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