Speaker Build - Fusion

Holes routed for rear ports and terminals.

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I’m trying something a little different this time. I’ve cut a shadow line with the circular saw to give the illusion of a plynth.


Painting the base black with oil based satin black. A nice finish can be achieved easily with a high density foam roller. The inspiration for this comes from Spendor. Threaded inserts for spikes/feet also inserted.


Can’t wait for the review. Looking great so far. I think I have all the tools required to have a go at a project like this but unfortunately I have none of your talent :blush:

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Very impressive! When I visited the place in Germany where my own QUAD ESL57s were built, I saw the skills required to do such things. I was very impressed.

Good luck for the completion of your project!

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Thanks @anon70766008

Cabinets pretty much finished.
Now I need to apply the felt material to the insides.


I have finished the cabinets in Osmo poly x oil Raw… It has a white pigment in it which aims to offset the wet look and prevent pale woods turning amber over time. It will darken with UV exposure but shouldn’t go the Amber colour like maple can when sealed with an oil based sealer. This colour veneer was requested by my wife. She said she wanted a light coloured wood. I’d rather have gone a little darker but you have to make some sacrifices.

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Hi Mark,
You are a tremendously gifted cabinet maker.
Seeing your work is quite an inspiration. As for the speed of progress, well that’s something else, even accounting for it being second time around.
Great work :+1:


Have to take my hat off to you Mark, superb build quality.


Lovely looking craftsmanship!


Internal damping finished. The insides are lined with 8mm felt glued to all surfaces and then white wadding behind all drivers as per the plans. Cables run and drivers in place. Now just waiting for the crossover components.


Sorry if I have missed it, Mark, but are you following some plans for the size and build of cabinets, choice of drive units etc?

Will you be leaving the pale wood finish, or will you stain them?

No grilles this time?

Troels Gravesen’s Fusion 3WC as he mentions in the opening post.

And to your second question:

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I’ll be making some grills but not sure when. I didn’t put the magnets under the veneer this time so I’ll have to use the little clips.

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@Mark84 Hi Mark, sorry, I thought I’d replied to this ages ago, obviously going senile :grimacing:

Sounds like a good plan, and a good time for picking up a couple of power amps, some real bargains at the moment!

Won’t lowering the speakers put the bass driver too close to the floor?

Really like the plinth effect you’ve done, looks excellent, little touches like this really make a big difference.

How’s the build going now?

Edit: meant to ask how you applied the veneer to the top of the stepped front panel? Hard to clamp?!


Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply. I haven’t been on here a lot recently, I’m doing lots of renovation work on the house at the moment.

I have seen the bargain amps… I’m in no rush. I think I might wait until we start to see the new NC NAP 250 used price come down a bit… Id like one with an Atom HE.

As for the speakers, I’m really enjoying the fusion. I have just hooked them back up after installing new hardwood floors over the last few weeks. Yes I like the plinth too. Im glad it worked out well, It was a bit of impulsive decision.

The CNO4 will be competed once I have finished all the work on the house. I also need to purchase the passive crossover. I plan to use some large spikes for feet, giving 35-40mm clearance. I think that should be enough.

As for applying veneer to the step, it’s pretty easy, you just clamp a piece of timber to it using the internal chamfer of the mid driver hole. it’s the perfect angle.

Hope you are enjoying your speakers. My Dad is now looking at building the new revelator 851 (3WC version).

Hi Mark, yes similar here, been involved with other things so less frequent visits … I do find I save a lot more money by staying away from the forum :joy:

Glad you’re enjoying the Fusions, shame you’re on the other side of the world, would love to hear them, and the CNOs when you get back to them.

Your dad sounds a bit like me, changing his mind about what to build next! Those Revelators do look really nice, Troels keeps coming out with new designs that are so tempting … personally looking at the Ekta 7741 now, but still really tempted by the Fusion 22 … highly likely to cause domestic issues though :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the tip re the veneering :+1:

All the best,

Edit … PS the new 250 is amazing, a big jump over the 250DR, well worth waiting for

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