Speaker Cables - Giant Killers Up To £3,000

No lack of bass with our KS-1.


Definitely not. KS-1 is remarkable value.


No lack of weight or slam with KS-1 here. :ok_hand:t2:


Do you use the Kudos KS1 just with Kudos speakers or independendly?

Easy surely - it’s Sol Campbell.

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Haven’t read the full thread so far so forgive me if I’m repeating something.

My take is - what are speaker cables doing when they sound better (or worse). They are presumably changing the sound in some way and some suit more and some less.

As we know the sound we hear is a mix of speaker / room interaction with the room playing a significant role.

So rather than getting a cable that may make this room/ speaker interaction work better I suggest measuring the room and either using DSP or physical room correction - or a mix of both to improve the sound.

I find it hard to believe that a 3k cable could come anywhere close to the improvements to be gained by room correction.

I’ve droned on about HAF filters a lot but they really have made a huge difference to my listening enjoyment for a (comparatively) modest outlay.



I like KS-1 but with respect, find it difficult to describe it, or any other speaker cable, to be a HiFi bargain, great value or similar. They are just cables, which I suspect have high profit margins. The value is comparative for sure but there has to be a reason why so many manufacturers want a slice of the action.

I have been using Super Lumina speaker cable for years…I then tried the Spectre…as a trial…for around a month… bottom line the Super Lumina was better…clearer…and a bit more dynamic…

Haven’t read the thread you reference to but this is about transmitting information - all of it and correctly/well.
How is your suggestion in principle different to getting an Argos (other shops are available) hifi for £100 and getting it room-corrected? (apologies for the exaggeration but to make the point clearer).

I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re referring to here?


E.g. how can you correct something that’s not arrived to the speakers?

The same conclusion I came to with Morgana XLR vs Super Lumina on my 300DR. I will be very interested to hear how Spectre is with my 805’s…

I found the Spectre to have a really creamy mid band that was nice…and the bass a touch warm…going back to the SL brought a lucid presentation…which I like… I have the Morgana XLRs and they for me were great…detailed, lucid…and slight warmth…the SL XLRs did nothing for me…


Interesting…just goes to show, eh?
We all hear different, and vive le difference!


Everything is going to sound different in every setup just buy what you like and listen to the music not the system.
It all comes down to a tone you like.
That’s what we used to buy our radiogram like.
Best tone for me. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Are you really suggesting that cable like NACA5 is not sending all of the information from the amplifier to the speakers?


For me it’s an evidence. Was during many years with the idea that speakers cables are not worth upgrading. Until recently , one year ago, when I finally bought the Audience 24 U SRX: so much more nuances, colourful sound, ricer on tones and textures, clarity….
The Naca 5 and Apertura cables I had before were in fact bottlenecks.
No DSP can uncover hidden details and the richness of the original sound .


Unless you think all cables have the same frequency response or sound the same to those of us using our ears?

No cable is perfect … well, apart from NACA5, obviously!

I ended up with over £3k of Synergistic Research foundation speaker cables, it was more a full loom thing for me, very happy.

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Eric Morecombe…all the right notes…