Speaker Recommendations please 18m2 room?

I reckon a pair of NEAT Acoustics Iota Alpha speakers maybe worth a go. They sound surprisingly big for their size and would be ideal for a cramped layout like yours. Other than that i agree with the suggestion of wall-mounting some bookshelves & maybe even integrating a sub if need be…


But they need to be a good distance out from rear wall for lots of acoustic absorption behind).

I understand what you are saying, as an architect and hifi enthusiast I was trying to give feedback to solve your problem. If you can’t change the room/position of speakers you would be best to home demo a few alternatives that work better in an enclosed space. Having previously owned Neat SX1 I would be surprised if they work in that location, something with a sealed box design would likely be more suitable.
Apologies if I came across as critical, not my intention, good luck with your search.

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The picture with the big Martin Logan speakers makes everything look much less cramped. I suspect a well chosen but smaller set of speakers, either floor standers or stand mounts, would be absolutely fine. Something in dark wood would look better, as the white MAs are visually jarring. I suspect some smaller PMCs, either twenty5.21i or 23i in walnut would work rather well.

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Hence the need to try them at home, the junk in the alcoves should help break up the rear waves but they’ll need a lot of experimentation to find a spot where they’ll work and they might not end up symmetrical which might disturb some people’s sense of order.

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Thanks, I’d considered Maggies, but was led to believe that require placing quite a distance from the rear wall?

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Yes, I had the Martin Logans much further back.
The MAs are further forward to optimise the sound, but it’s not ideal!

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Not at all, I appreciate all input and it’s all considered.
Thank you


May I suggest building custom made bookshelves on either side of the fireplace. You can then remove the shelf on the left. Maybe you can also change the furniture? You have a sofa and armchair that are physically large. In a small room like you have, every m2 is worth a lot.

At least it is something to consider

If you are unable to do anything with the existing furniture I would have bought on wall speakers. Maybe the Totem Tribe 3 speakers. They are £2500. I have Arro that works great with various Naim amplifiers.

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I tried ATC and PMC on wall speakers in my alcoves and they sounded terrible. I think the further back in the alcove the speaker sits, the worse it sounds, despite being designed to go on the wall.

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Another possible approach approach suggests itself here, a near-ideal way of positioning some speakers though not suited to all, that is widely used in recording studios because it completely eliminates reflections from behind the speakers and associated comb-filter effects m: in-wall, aka soffit mounting. Or in this case, pseudo-in-wall. By that I mean with shelves built around and above tge speakers, their front edges and front of speakers aligned with the front of firepkace and cupboards below, with books, LPs, CDs etc filling the spaces to the sides and above the speakers, with their spines also aligned with the cupboard and speaker fronts.


I’ve used both Neat SX2 and PMC Twenty5.23 (not the later “i” version) with a SN3 when I had one. These speakers are not large and fit into small spaces rather well. Speakers were placed approx 15-20 cm from back wall. Neat had downward firing port and PMC used transmission line so both worked well against/near wall (solid). I also used Isoaccoustic Gaia’s and found the bass to be improved and still controlled. They were also close to other furniture.

As ever YMMV and so the usual try at your own home is recommended if possible.

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Just an update.
Yesterday I listened to some Naim floorstanders (can’t remember which), Harbeth P3ESR 40th Anniversary, Neat Motive SX2 and Epicon 2.

I was initially very impressed with the Naim. They had a very low noise floor and exceptional clarity. They did some things very well, but on certain tracks i found the treble might become tiring.

The Harbeth were simply fantastic. The only reason i didnt buy was that they are a small enclosed box and i like to listen loud. I was concerned that i would push them beyond their capabilities.

The Neat SX2 were had a huge amount of presence and impact. It was a real surpise to get such a huge sound from such a small unit.
They obviously had a massive edge over the Harbeth on the bass, but i felt the Harbeth delivered more in terms of quality from the mids and trebles.

The Dali Epicon 2 won the day though.
I found them outstanding and have bought them.

I’ve thrown everything I have at these speakers all day and they are simply flawless.

Given that I have such eclectic tastes this is a difficult trick to pull off!

They pack a big punch in the bass and simply deliver in all areas.

They are a genuine pleasure to listen to.


Pic with them in situ?

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I see you have a sub there as well - used for music or just TV?

Congratulations @Damian1 looking good, nice speakers, now just sit back and enjoy the music.

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They are nice looking speakers and look perfect in your room. I’m so pleased you’ve sorted it out, and no need to move any furniture. Everyone is happy.

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Much better now :+1:
How is the sound vs what you had before?

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It’s fantastic.
Not dissimilar to the MA Golds, but more refined and with more clarity.

I have my tv running through them and an early observation is that for general tv, such as the news, final score, etc, I preferred the MAs, but if you’re watching anything else they have a very cinematic sound.

And in an unusual twist, they actually sound better in my home than they did at the dealers.
Which has never happened to me before!