Speakers for Atom HE & NAP 250 DR

A couple of years ago I auditioned SCM 19s and 40s in both active and (driven by 250DR) passive forms. The active vs passive 19s comparison was particularly interesting. For me the active 19s were substantially better than passive, but someone listening with me to the same music preferred the passive setup. I’d be happy to give more details, later in the day if that would help.


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Thanks for all the advice. Because I’ve moved away from the title of the thread to wanting active speakers with an Atom HE I’m going to star a new thread more specific to my current needs. Thanks all.

This thread may be worth a quick view, though it didn’t get much of a response:

That would be helpful. I’m considering PMC and ATC (19’s and 40’s). I’m going to start a new thread relating to active speakers for the Atom HE.

Had a look at these, as not heard of them previously.

Unusual design, but may not work close to the wall as they are rear ported.


Do you really need to? Surely all options have been covered already and it will mean asking members to say the same thing for a second time. Try the ATCs - but they are very large and active 19s are the same size as active 40s - try the PMCs, and decide.

Too late @HungryHalibut, I’ve already done it. I appreciate your input so far and I understand why you feel it’s not necessary. However, I feel that it is. There’s no need for you or others to post anything further if there’s nothing to add or you feel it’s not necessary. Like I said I appreciate all of the input so far. It’s been really helpful.

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Yes, exactly, there are surprisingly many people in the forum who have really expensive equipment and large enough rooms but still use stand speakers with the limitations that entails. Strange imo.


Because it is inevitable :laughing:

Don’t assume this for everyone. I had my previous Rega speakers for 13 years, until my system was destroyed by a home renovation.i had no choice but to replace them. Otherwise i would not have done so. I bet there are people on the forum who keep speakers for decades.


Inevitable that you do? If they are perfect speakers for the buyer, they may never get sold. Certainly I only think of the sound quality and cost of buying when i buy speakers - indeed there are few if any things in life that I’ve bought with an eye on future saleability.

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@Innocent_Bystander Well stated. Thank you. There were speakers I ended up trading back to the dealer b/c they did not work in my room. In NYC, home demo is not an option, so I had no idea in advance. When I purchased them it was with the idea of keeping.

Hi Paul, back home now so I’ll try to recollect my thoughts from those auditions.

Comparing active and passive versions of the 19s I felt that the active versions exhibited a physical quality and projection of the sound that the passives lacked. This was a shop audition and another customer who happened to be in the dealer’s at the same time and sat with me throughout reckoned that they were too in your face for his taste. I guess for sitting down and focusing on the music, the actives had an appealing degree of realism the passives couldn’t quite achieve, but for less concentrated listening I could understand the other customer’s reaction.

In a later audition, also at the dealer’s, I listened to the active 40s and they had that appealing realism of the active 19s but with a touch more warmth an slightly less in your face presentation. Perhaps this is due to the low frequency extension, perhaps their classic midrange dome. All I really knew was that I wanted a pair and my only concern was whether they would work in my room and an extended home trial settled that.

In summary, if you can stretch to the active 40s and they work in your room that’s what I would go for. In the mad world of HiFi, they’re something of a bargain. If not, I’d audition active 19s before definitely acquiring a pair.

Hope that helps,



Iotas with Superuniti at the Bristol show a few years back was widely thought to be the best sound in the building!

They do need a bit of space, yes, but not huge amounts. Right up against the wall, no. 20-30cm, should be ok, depends what else is around them/between them.

Is there a need for two threads? The OP created a new thread to focus on active speakers since he moved on from passives. If that is indeed the case, can this one be closed?


As per the above, can we close this thread.


I’ve never heard them but from all the reviews I’ve read the active SCM 19s would be top of my list for active speakers below £5k. They look good as floorstanders too IMO. The other active option I would seriously consider are the Piega Premium wireless 501 - they can we wireless or wired and again, reviews are very positive. Both of these options are floorstanding models.

New thread here: