Statement disappointment

Right. His name is Ash and as I called just before closing time for the day, he assured me that someone (hopefully Mark Bonner) would call me back the next day. I’m still waiting.

I’ve messaged Naim so hopefully you’ll get something back after the long weekend. They’re back from easter hols on Tuesday.

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I’ll look forward to it. Thanx

I’m also curious about the progress

It took many years to develop the Statement preamp. I would not want a quick fix. Having spoke to Steve Sells, he is passionate about the Naim sound…he said he had the old prototype at home for experiments.

There has been no progress at all. As you can read above, Richard Dane has messaged Naim to respond in some way, perhaps by tomorrow. I have been very disappointed with the lack of response so far. I have had to look outside of Naim for a solution. I have a friend in the industry who is going to build me a customized box to address 3 problems:

  1. The Statement’s lack of a “tape out” option for my Revox
  2. The Statement’s lack of compatibility with the Naim Headline (headphone amp)
  3. The weak link in my system - SuperLine/Supercap phono stage
    The preliminary name for this box is, " A Variable Loading Step Up Transformer input Phono Preamplifier, RIAA de emphasis Switching Unit for the Betterment of Inter-component Communications". It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, hence…

AKA “The Mitch Switch”!

He expects it will take at least 2 months for him to build it. He is a former Naim tech, among other things, so is intimately familiar with their equipment.

He has already designed the step up transformer phono stage and won an award for it at a prestigious Japanese audio show in 2019.

I wish there was an elegant Naim solution to my situation but since I’ve not heard back from them in the past 3 or 4 weeks, it seems they have nothing to offer. I guess I’ll see…

Mitch, could you tell us the name of this award-winning phono stage? I agree that Superline/Supercap is the weakest link in a 500-level system (and above!)

The fact you didnt buy it new from a dealer, might mean that naim aren’t really interested if beimg honest, as really whats in it for them?, they havent just got a huge bag of cash from the sale have they.

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I would very much like to share that info, but it is not yet commercially available and the owner/designer has asked me not to mention his company in relation to this product. His company is well known for cables but is just entering into hardware production. He is not geared up for production yet and does not want to be inundated with queries. anyway, I have the utmost confidence in his abilities and his integrity. I know this sounds cryptic but I’m not trying to be coy. I’m just respecting his request.

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I was thinking something like the Audio Research Reference Phono 3SE Phono Preamplifier, so miles off lol
But agree on the superline totally

The fact you didnt buy it new from a dealer, might mean that naim aren’t really interested if beimg honest, as really whats in it for them?, they havent just got a huge bag of cash from the sale have they.

I disagree, strongly. First of all, I own 2 complete Naim systems, including about 15 of their boxes, not to mention previously owned products. That alone should be motivation, I would think. Secondly, there is pride and the desire to be helpful, if for nothing else than bragging rights and good publicity. Thirdly, I believe it is just plain rude not to respond.


Aren’t we agreeing with other other here?
It is rude of naim not to reply, especially if they said they would.
I was just saying that naim might not be that bothered, if being honest.

Okay, thanks, fair enough.

Maybe Naim is not proud to have no solution for you, so prefers to be quiet, rather than saying « sorry, but we don’t know how to resolve your problem « .
The other reason can be that the search of the technical solution may take a lot of time, and they have not the time for it.

It’s a real shame that the build up of excitement over The Statement purchase ( well SH) has lead to this for various reasons sour anticlimax of a thread, with no real report as to how things are sounding. Hey ho, call me an old excitable fool… :face_with_head_bandage: Happy days Peter

Fair enough.

That’s possible, but that would also be an unfortunate character flaw. At the least, I deserve an explanation, which, which I suspect, may still be forthcoming.

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It’s not even Tuesday yet so at least give the guys enjoying their Easter Holiday break a chance to get back the factory and pick up where they left of assuming they’ve even had chance so far. Who know what their priorities are but I’m guessing trying to reverse engineer a complex bit of kit for at the moment one user, isn’t at the top of their agenda.

As said before, you can still make tapes on your second system as they’re only for background music is the very best sound quality even important? You’ve waited a decent amount of time to get the Statement kit, do you really want it to be sent off and messed about with and possibly compromising it’s ultimate sound quality?

I’d be thinking to just leave well alone and use it as was designed to enjoyed.

This thread is starting to get a little bit ‘feet stomping’.


I do not want to give the impression I am sorry to have acquired the Statement. It is quite the contrary. I have commented about the incredible sounds which emanate from the system earlier, either on this thread or another. The Statement has taken my system from World Class (500/552) to Galaxy Class!

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Mitch, now I’m confused. You say Naim have not been in contact with you for 3-4 weeks but Clare posted in response as to you less than 2 weeks ago. She asked you to let her have the ticket number. Did you give this number to her so she could follow it up for you as she requested?

As I posted to you a couple of days back, it’s Easter hold and Naim will be back on Tuesday.