Streaming blues again

After a while struggling with the router installed by the ISP when I upgrated the service to 500Mb, finally getting a new brand of router that works well in Tidal, I came with other problem, already posted here without a solution then.

Trying to play certain TIDAL albums in my Hiqute2, I get errorr “Error: Failed to get Tidal Album: 20559873”. Same album (Billy Joel, Songs in the attic) plays without problems in the Windows app.

Search anything in the (certain adjectives apply, like erratic) Android app is almost impossible, so I normally search in the Windows App, make the albums Favorites, and after a while they appear in the Android App in my Samsung A5.

I suspect that the NAIM app keeps some pointers for the albums that are not updated when you unmake and then remake them favorites again, but the problem is I don´t know how to get away of this situation.

Thks in advance for your help.

BTW: My repaired CDX2 came from Salisbury to… the Portuguese customs… More days and paperwork to do, maybe in the summer gets here…


Are you aware of the old thread about this? tomvamos from Naim was interested there in the particular tracks, so may be best to report to or summon him here as well.

Haven´t seen the particluar thread you metion. But I already had a conversation with them about the issue.

Cheers mate!

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