Streaming New Zealand Concert Program not available on Vtuner

I own a Superuniti with which I regularly listen to the Radio New Zealand (RNZ) Concert program and have done for many years. But last Friday it stopped working and hasn’t done since. I am able to play it on my Ipad via the RNZ web site. I then tried playing it via the site it replied that the concert program is not available please try again later. I spoke to a dealer and he tried it on a number of Naim products with the same result.

Tagging @Stevesky

Me too, but streaming on NDX2. Last week RNZ Concert stopped, but RNZ National was still working. This week National stopped.

Same here, using Unity atom. RNZ Concert and RNZ National have both failed. RNZ International still functioning ok.
I contacted the local dealer who confirmed
he could see there was a problem and would escalate it to the parent company.

Further to my last post I have checked the specs for the 3 streams.
they are all the same.
It is Interesting that RNZ international still functions ok RNZ International when the other 2 have stopped.

Audio: MP3 24000Hz stereo 64kbps [A: mp3, 24000 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s]

Audio: MP3 24000Hz stereo 64kbps [A: mp3, 24000 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s]

Audio: MP3 24000Hz stereo 64kbps [A: mp3, 24000 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s]

RNZ National
Audio: MP3 24000Hz stereo 64kbps [A: mp3, 24000 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s]

RNZ Concert
Audio: MP3 24000Hz stereo 64kbps [A: mp3, 24000 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s]

RNZ International
Audio: MP3 24000Hz stereo 64kbps [A: mp3, 24000 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s]

These are the official streaming links from the RNZ website.

Hi folks,

RNZ have been transitioning to HLS streams, like many other broadcasters.

I’ve written to VTuner to ask them to update their directory accordingly. Once updated the stream should be 128k AAC for the classical channel and 64k AAC for the rest.




Good news - the Radio NZ stations are working again.

NB: the ones that work all start with “RNZ” and end with “(HQ)”. Those starting with “Radio New Zealand” don’t work (except for International). Perhaps a tidy-up still required to remove redundant entires.

RNZ Concert (HQ)
RNZ International (HQ)
RNZ National (HQ)


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