Stuck a Linear Power Supply on My Switch - Blimey! đŸ˜±

I’m going to try to loan my dealers PN to see what it sounds like. Assuming that I do like it I will try to get a listen to the DC3 as that’s essentially what’s powering the PN.

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PN and ee8 - dc3 vers very similar - I assume you like the ee8 / dc3 better, as you you do not need the coloured sound the PN brings (the warm romantic butter like box :rofl:)

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You may well be right. It’s certainly the first LPS that’s sounded significantly better than my SMPS in both speed and low frequency detail. Still, early days with the Farad and I should give it a proper try once fully burnt-in.

Which DC cable do you have on the farad? And power cable?

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Against those noises, a Shynyata Everest power conditioner is mandatory.


That’s the thing with balance. Good question from @Blackbird - silver dc cable could
 bring sparkle but also speed?

At the moment it’s their chunky blue cable, which I think is copper. Power lead is a standard Naim.

Try a powerline on the farad!

If I get the opportunity I will try them both.

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The 6moons review is of German origin. Read it and it’s original language there not any hint for the hf to be missing.
In fact it has a very good review. :rofl:

I don’t see that the translation is made up. How do you translate the below? It is good, but they, others and me also hear that it is warm sounding. If you like it then great. I’m not saying it is wrong. But till you have heard speaker cables and switches that include more details and micro dynamics you will indeed think that naca5 and PN is as good as it can get on that area :wink:

Dass sich durch dieses Upgrade des digitalen Signalwegs tonal viel bewegen wird, stand nicht zu vermuten. Doch Überraschung – ein wenig tut sich schon: Mit dem PhoenixNET wirkt das Klangbild etwas sonorer, minimal geerdeter. Was nach meinem DafĂŒrhalten nun weniger daran liegt, dass im Grundton reingebuttert wĂŒrde. Nein, vielmehr scheint der Hochton „reingewaschen“ worden zu sein und so wirken die obersten Oktaven nicht nur sauberer als zuvor, sondern auch etwas milder. Jedenfalls kommen die Streichinstrumente und vor allem das Cello des Cuarteto Casals (Album: Apotheosis. Beethoven:

The Complete String Quartets III; auf Amazon anhören) ein wenig volltönender rĂŒber, werden mit dem Innuos etwas holziger und körperreicher vermittelt – nicht zuletzt, weil die Klangfarben deckkrĂ€ftiger geraten. Das kommt bei klassischem Programm eigentlich immer gut, ist also ein echter Gewinn.

Mit dem PhoenixNET wirkt das Klangbild reiner und sauberer und man darf einen sprichwörtlich schwarzen Hintergrund erleben. Tonal geht‘s eher etwas wĂ€rmer als heller zu.

I am not translating this :rofl::rofl::rofl:
It’s all very positive

More on a warmer side than the brighter side
 but nothing is negative in this review



  1. imposingly deep and full.
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Please translate „besserwisser“ - we both are :blush:

All positive!
We are off topic :wink:

You claim they are in German not saying what I shared in English but until proven something else I claim the review says it is warm, and full, top a little milder etc. I’m just trying to be clear, not a besserwisser :slight_smile: It is the same I heard when compared to Ansuz D2 Powerswitch. If that is what one want then it will be super great :+1:

I completely know what you mean 
 but for others (not for me) it might be hard to tell, where it is our ironic (like it a lot) little battle and where PN is really only a warm full bodied switch.
In the review he also mentioned:

  • extremely good 3d stage
  • very much details - micro details around the instruments

Take back the besserwisser :blush:

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I don’t disagree :slight_smile: :green_heart:

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« Ok, add-on😀and this is really wired
the Ansuz played more 3D like and had better highs vs Phoenix 
, gosh that frustrates me like crazy ( sure you know that feeling 
) To tune it up, I replaced my expensive Tellurium Q Ethernet connected to dCS with the standard Ethernet cable that comes with Phoenix
.bingooooo! That‘s it, strike! Now the Phoenix plays like hell! No clue why this has such an impact

So here‘s the point: if you go the Phoenix way start with a standard cable (I’m sure you‘ll stick with it and save a lot of money😎)
Have a great 2022!« «

Then « can’t speak for Vivaldi (Rossini owner
) but I tested Melco S100, Innuos, Cisco, Ansuz A2/A3/D switches 
bought after many months of testing the Ansuz D3. The Innuos and Ansuz need a lot of time to burn in, so if you try to test one of these make sure, that you have them min. 2-3 weeks in your setup.
Melco plays a tad more “bright”, Innuos slightly “warm”, Ansuz plays between them and pictures an incredible “3D-room” in my setup.«

Posts from @T38.45

What is weird? :blush: