Stuck a Linear Power Supply on My Switch - Blimey! 😱

To what post do you refer your question ?
My post is a copy and paste from @T38. The only comparison of Anzus vs PN I could find.

I posted some of my findings too some weeks back which is similar to what others have said about PN and the difference between D2 and PN.

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Weird is the standard cable finding.
Have you tried it - I don’t - it’s still in the box.

Inside the PhoenixNet box?

Well, I’ve made the tough decision to send my Farad back. After three weeks of continual use, playing many of my favourite albums, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not as musically enjoyable as either the standard SMPS that comes with the EE8 or the cheaper linear power supply I purchased from a friend. I know this sounds crazy and against forum findings but I’ve struggled with it. I think the count of linear power supplies I’ve had on loan now stands at around eleven (if I include the Farad that I’ve had twice).

I actually thought that using the Shunyata Sigma might reveal the hidden strengths of the LPS but if anything it’s been more revealing of their weaknesses. I just keep finding that the LPS’s generally sound quite slow and lethargic. It’s like the recovery time isn’t fast enough. This really impacts deep bass on my DBL’s making them sound almost stunted and soft. When I’ve got the right supply on the switch the bass is almost subterranean with much more shape and texture. It hard for me to believe a simple power supply can make so much difference but it does.

Funny thing is that I seem to remember DB saying something about small linear power supplies being faster and more agile than the big ones and I think this is what I’m actually hearing. I’m going to try to borrow my dealers PN again (one last time) to see how that sounds but if it’s anything like the Farad I’m not too hopeful. Of course this could always lead me down the second-hand Ansuz D2 route?

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I replaced my 555PSDR with this one on my NDS and can confirm small is better! :sunglasses:

Byt the way, The Ansuz Power switches use built in SMPS which they have modified and added their own solutions to. They couldn’t find/make an LPS that made their switch sound better so. As always there’s not a straight line in HIFI :slight_smile:

I would also recommend Reiki Switch which I have at home right now. More like PN but bit more balanced. Beautiful low end but not overpowering like PN can be sometimes. With a good transparent full bandwidth ethernet cable it sounds very good in my system.



I was the same, but left it too late to return.

Preferred the stock EE8 SMPS, so it was sold on the Bay.


My success with the Farad Super 3 was powering an EtherREGEN rather than an EE8. I wonder if this could explain the different experiences, although I realise LPS performance is very system and (electrical/network) environment dependent. I suspect the EE8’s supplied SMPS is very good.

The digital cable and fuse also play a part. I use the L2 copper cable.

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This is surprising - but also not, as hifi is as it is.
Maybe you have the magic combination with your simple LPs, as I once said.
With LPs it is always a bit slower - also with PN.
PN sigma combination migh5 also not be the fastest one, but the sound is soooo nice? That is what amazes me - everything sounds good. Never had this before. Even if it is not rocket fast. With diamond it was faster but also stressing.
Balance is balance … and taste.
Ansuz … ? Maybe one day :wink:

Yep, ‘balance’ is the ultimate aim for me, and that is what I am getting with the Farad powering the ER.

That is with a AQ Vodka on the last leg and CatSnake for the remaining loom.


Today I got a new Farad Super3 (purple fuse and level 2 DC cable) to try on my EE8. Currently I have ifi ipowerx supply on it.
I’m testing it for the last hour and at the moment I can say that I don’t like it.
The only difference I clearly hear is a considerable loss of prat. It clearly flattened out transients and made the music go numb. The Naim sound that I adore just went away.
It is going back, for the same money I’ll next try Ferrum Hypsos. Not sure if they have a return policy though.

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It took mine about a week to start sounding good but more like 2-3 weeks to really sing. I replaced a iFI power elite with the Farad.

They do say those dc cables(level 2 cooper for me) take 300 hours to burn in. Anyway everyone’s system is different. I love my Farad 3 with my EE8 switch.


I would feel rather silly to use a PS that needs that much burn in, not to mention the cost, to sound just as good as SMPS :joy: Let me ask you, what did you gain after all that burn in? What is better in SQ compared to ifi?

It’s been awhile but more detail as in the soundstage expanded both in height and depth but more noticeable in height. Really made my speakers disappear. I don’t recall losing in prat but my audio memory is shaky.

Don’t get me wrong the iFi is better than the standard smps that came with the EE8. It’s just that for my system the Farad made for a more relaxed listen. Of note while subtle the timbre of notes is much better especially with brass and cymbals. Again it does take some time to fully burn in.

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Relaxed listen, I 100% believe you on that. That’s exactly what I don’t like, a relaxed sound. :wink:
Thanks for your comments though.

I think I get where you are coming from. It’s relaxed yes but it totally rocks as well. I just didn’t realize how much better things sound when it open and neutral. All the music comes through.

Kind of sounded compressed before. Now it’s just there like the sound comes out of thin air. Hard to explain but without a doubt there is some breakin. I’d give it at least a week.


I’ll give it some time, but if those transients don’t come back, and then some, it doesn’t make sense in my system.

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Dumb question, but what is a transient exactly?

I’ve owned a Hifi for 44 years, and I’ve read the word transient hundreds of times on this forum and others, and I have no idea what they are.

Maybe just stop listening for transients?

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Jim you old dog, interesting advice. I’ll give 1250 euros of my hard earned money to stop listening to music. :joy:
Let’s try that again

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The guy I spoke to at Farad was very nice. He called me personally when I had a question. Nice touch! Anyway I know they have a 20 day return policy.

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