Stuck a Linear Power Supply on My Switch - Blimey! 😱

I have the Melco too and the Nds. Both are connected to the PhoenixNet.
I compared the direct mode vs the bridge mode. For me the later sounds more involving.


Thanks, I think I get it now. The ethernet port on the NDS is now only connected to the Melco player port rather than the network so the Naim app doesn’t work. Correct me if I’m wrong.

I did vaguely consider getting a separate streamer at one point and the point with the streamer app not working when in direct mode is something I hadn’t thought about. Glad I didn’t now - seems a bit of a nuisance.

As I recall your configuration using the Pheonixnet I can understand how it would be better as it is providing the isolation/noise suppression that the Melco is in effect giving when switching to direct mode internally, only probably doing it a little bit better. If I unplug the LAN connector from the Melco as well in Direct mode there is a slight uplift in performance. None of the differences are that large and I routinely forget to switch to and from Direct mode from Bridged mode.

The Melco is connected to the ethernet by the LAN port and in bridged mode uses the DNS settings from my modem/router and passes through to the NDS. In Direct mode, which is a software setting, the Melco internally ignores the modem/router and therefore the outside world including your apps and provides a DNS address to the NDS. The Melco can be left connected to the network at all times. This is useful for listening to Qobuz etc (in bridged mode) or switching to Direct mode if you’re only playing from your own library on the Melco.
There is however I feel a small benefit to be had by physically disconnecting the LAN port it but it is so slight I don’t bother.

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Done it similar way with innous zenith ! Direct connection to PN.
But have not tested it otherwise - will not touch cables :rofl:

I wanted to say that bridge mode sounds better for me. It’s quick to set up on the front panel, going from direct to bridge. Both work with the Naim app.

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Thanks for taking the time to explain. Since I’ve only ever used direct USB to DAC with both my Melcos, first the N100 and now N50-S38 I haven’t bothered to investigate anything else. I was aware that Melco say that for best sound it should be disconnected from the router, and judging by the very postive benefits of the EE8 switch, two EE1’s and two Ground Arays I suspect that is indeed the case. But totally impractical as you then have to navigate through your entire collection via the front panel controls and tiny display.

Incidentally, I don’t know what the older Melcos are like but does anyone else feel as I do that the wrap-around casework is rather flimsy and the front panel buttons feel a bit tinny and tacky? Just seems it should be better on a £5K piece of kit. Or perhaps I’m just spoilt by the exceptional build quality of our Moon amp and CD player.

It’s not about a direct connection Drago, but direct or bridge mode that you select on the front panel of the Melco.
There’s a streamer Ethernet port too ( Melco has 2 Ethernet ports). Sounds very good, but I prefer to connect the NDS to the PhoenixNet. Was not the case with other switches.

Innous has also two ports - afaik it has the same logic.

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I think that as you are connecting your melco to your NDS via the innuos then the direct software switch isn’t really doing anything anyway

Although I have been entirely streaming based for many years now I still tend to play albums in their (mostly) entirety, occasionally skipping the odd track. I guess this is a hangover from my vinyl (and CD) days.:man_shrugging:

I listen to both Qobuz and locally stored files (CD rips and downloads) with my Melco. When I bought my Melco I was told to connect it to my switch (EtherREGEN) and connect the player port to my Naim streamer, in my case a 222. This way, the Naim control app is visible and usable on my iPad or iPhone. That was recommended by Alan Ainsley, the UK technical boss of Melco.

Having said that, I have not tried connecting the 222 and the Melco to the switch.

@Gazza, how do you have your Melco hooked up?

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Like me

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I thought you said both the NDS and Melco are connected to the PhoenixNET? (post 860).

Yes, it’s that. @Gazza inspired me, because before I was connecting the Nds to the player port of the Melco.
It was the case with the Cisco, then Etheregen switch. And during several weeks when I got the PhoenixNet.
Gazza wrote that the sound is better when both are connected to the PhoenixNet.
I tried and he was right.

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Thanks….intersting. When connecting both streamer and Melco to the switch, does the Melco need to be in Bridge or Direct mode, and how do you switch between these two modes?

Both work, but I prefer bridge. You can compare.
However I don’t remember you have a PhoenixNet. Etheregen ?
With my ex Etheregen / linear ps, I was connecting the Nds to the Melco port.

So I have to eat my words. After a lot of testing, Farad Super3 (purple fuse + level 2 silver DC cable) is staying with my EE8.

What I realised is that the attack and transients that I was so used to having in the sound signature are in fact harsh and overblown.

The initial bad experience was with a fresh Super3 with a copper level 2 DC cable. It was night and day compared to ifi iPowerX. Obviously Super3 was fresh and copper DC cable was especially hard to breakin.

After a while, the combo behaved as more balanced and added in other aspects more than what I thought I lost in prat. The so-called prat that I had didn’t suit me that much anymore. I always returned to Farad combo.

The last test was with a silver level 2 DC cable which made the thing even more to my liking. It was much easier to breakin and made improvements to the sound stage.

It was a ride but in the end I have a nice SQ improvement which I was after. Now to test some ethernet cables in the last leg. :slight_smile:


I have an EtherREGEN, which only has two ports, probably why you connected the Melco to your NDS.

I do have a second switch, a Cisco 2960. I could therefore connect the Melco to the 2960 and the 222 to the EtherREGEN to try out the way you and Gaza have connected. I suspect however I would lose some of the benefit of the EtherREGEN with this way of connecting.

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Awesome. Glad you like it. Yeah the cooper cable did seem to take forever to stabilize. I just may try the newer L2-S cable from them at some point in the near future. However I’m happy to report in general I don’t even think about the EE8 + Super3 any longer. I just works and sounds great in my humble setup.

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