Summer Festivals

Hi Dread - It’s certainly a strong looking line up. I live in Milton Keynes. Campbell Park is actually within a short walking distance of the MK shopping centre. You should be able to find a map showing the centre and shops (CMK). John Lewis is at one end and Campbell Park is across the way from there - MK theatre is also close to Campbell Park. There is a road inbetween but Campbell Park can be accessed via a pedestrian bridge. The area is generally quite favourably designed for accessibility, although of course it depends on one’s disability. At the other end of the shopping centre the roads descend down to the railway station. I thought there were hotels on those roads and I see there is a Holiday Inn there. You could therefore arrive from London on the train, get a bus or taxi up to the hotel and then similarly go by bus or taxi up to the edge of Campbell Park. The distance from the station to Campbell Park is probably no more than a mile and in a straight line. Have a look for Central Milton Keynes or CMK on google maps and you should be able to see what I mean.


Thanks Clive that’s helpful. Mrs Dread cant walk very much, which Is why we would need to be close, camping on site Is usually what works best. (Incidentally the security at the One Love Festival took pity on us last time and gave us VIP back stage access all areas passes, pity it’s not now going to be the same festival.)
Being a cab driver myself, with about 7,000 capacity for this festival bagging a Taxi might not be so easy but that will probably be the only option.


Wickham Festival, about a decade ago. Jethro Tull were headlining the first day (Thursday) session, and the heavens opened on the Monday, and didn’t stop. By Thursday the car park field was soggy and though we could all get onto it, getting out was a problem through the single gate. Wellies were in abundance.

(The music was superb! Star sets included The Men Who Would Not Be Blamed For Nothing, and JT themselves!)

The farmer had a field day., pulling everyone out and almost certainly getting a tenner from every driver! We finally got out around 1 am, which wasn’t too bad; IIRC I even went into work on Friday; don’t think Sue did, and the girls were on holiday anyway.

The Promoter spent the whole aftermath, going around the car park and apologising - heck, there was little he could have done unless he’d had a hotline to the God of Rain - and this was the middle of bl00dy summer; ‘tain’t supposed to rain in July in ‘Ampshire!

He was offering free tickets for the rest of the weekend; foolishly we were all too knackered to accept!

So it may not be Glastonbury or Cropredy, but down ‘ere in ‘Ampshire, we can also have our “festival stories” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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