Superline Service Quandary/Disappointment.😮‍💨

Many early Superline’s had component problems,so good to service ,you should be amazed over how good it is.

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Ive gone back to my dealer to see what influence they have with naim.

Yes, that is encouraging and as a minimum sorts things out in case of failure. Just have to hope that those Superline caps have a good long life, not being in a power supply.

Perhaps if you push a sharp object into every capacitor, they would all count as a repair :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ironic, when I was deciding between superline and urika, one of the concerns I had about the latter was the possible lack of service availability. It seems I got that the wrong way around!


Worrying by itself: fairly terrifying if is the start of a trend.


Where does it stop: 282,252,552…?
I wonder if the lack of notice was deliberate. We ought to let Naim tell us what it was about the Superline that made service difficult. The components don’t look obviously obsolete. I have assumed it is the circuit board, but who knows. If Naim has stopped making the Superline and there are no PCBs left, then I can see the issue.


I’ve emailed to get some additional info here.


I also had my CD555 serviced when upon purchase about 18mths ago it had developed a door fault upon delivery and had to be sent back, I know Naim have always been keen to avoid servicing CD players due to the risks of transporting to and from.

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Mine went in for a new mechanism but in addition under the service they replaced the tant capacitors. Not sure what else was done but I’m assuming that the firmware might have been updated. It has certainly sounded even better since the service.

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With some items, there is little servicing you can do. I.e., do stuff that prevents failure and maintains designed performance.
Cdps are at the mercy of the mech. There is not much else inside, a power supply, servo ( often part of the mech) and the DAC.
But, power, pre and phono amps have lots of discrete items that degrade…

Is it worth contacting Darran at Class A audio to see what he can do? He may be able to do a partial service and change some of the caps.


Darran was my first port of call. He says only Salisbury do them. Which, did surprise me. It is old skool descrete tech in the Superline, and should be right up Darran’s street. But, im not sure what arrangements he has with naim.


Can I just say ,this shows how important it is having a dealer on side . I too looked at this Superline ,a great device in its own right .But by talking to someone in the know I was fully up to speed on all aspects of it . And was able to make a decision avoiding any unsuspecting aspects whether ,service ,how it really rates in the world of phono stages etc .Still a great product but ,got to be at the right price .

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Looking at the colour and markings on the end of the electrolytics, they appear to be Elna Silmic2.

They were discontinued in the last few years, which might explain why a service is no longer available.

Not your typical Naim capacitor.
Low distortion, detailed but smooth.

Apparently, silk fibres used in its construction.

Mine was a decent price. And one that allowed for a naim service. All good until this morning☹️


It must have taken the shine off your purchase. I don’t know what I would do.

Easy for me to say. Options are:

Sell it. Someone will buy it.

Keep it and enjoy it for what it is. If it stops working, get it repaired.

Dan, you have, if you don’t mind the building pun, hit the nail on the head.

This Naim gear is more than what it sounds like; it’s the whole quality build, maintainability…blah, blah, blah.

The timing of this announcement could not have been worse. Last week, and I would have given it a miss. Next week, it doesn’t matter to me.

I’m more concerned about what else Naim is going to stop servicing. I understood about maintenance, obsolescence, etc., so I get the issues. But equally with obsolescence, you give “fair warning,” allowing customers to make decisions.

Anyway, I’ll stick with it and enjoy it. But what is next on that list of stuff we can’t get serviced?


I would imagine that the preamps and power amps will be okay. They can still service olive and chrome bumper gear.

The old streamers and CD players will be doorstops in the end.

At least the Superline can be repaired.

Nevertheless I would be really pi##ed off about this.