Superline Standard cartridge output

Richard Dane post above: “As others have advised here, it does sound as though you are trying to use one Supercap to power Both the NAC282 and the Superline together at the same time. You can’t do this, and this is why you are getting such a loud sound as you’re effectively feeding the Superline signal directly to the NAP250.

If you only have the one Supercap and no other power supply such as a HICAP or another Supercap, then you should connect it to the NAC282 only as per the manual. Then connect the Superline via the powered AUX2.”

The OP wrote:

“I followed the manual’s direction. It shows both the superline and 282 powered on the super cap. I do have one hicapdr that I kept. I will try that before I get another cartridge.”

You say both are powered from the Supercap. I AM LOST THEN :grin:

I’d appreciate you posting a picture of that, as if it’s true, i.e. with the NAC282 and the Superline being connected and powered from the same Supercap, then it’s definitely wrong. Thanks.

And @Yeti post 17 seems to confirm that. Curious.

Obviously not to be confused with the Supercap powering the NAC282 and the 282 then powering the Superline via the AUX2. This is a perfectly normal and fine configuration.

What I’m referring to is where the Supercap powers the Superline via the Burndy connection while also powering the NAC282 at the same time via the two DIN5s - this is definitely not something that should ever be done (not least because it can over stress regulators, and also screw up the signal routing), and I would be very surprised of any Naim manual showed this configuration.


I do listen to the suggestions. I disconnected the 282 from,the supercap. I connected the 282 to a hi-cap and connected the 250 to the hi-cap. Left the superline connected to the supercap. This configuration solved the problem. I thank everyone for their suggestions.


A Superline on a Supercap is a really great source. I know because that’s what I have. I still worry about your cartridge though. 1 mV is really too high for it. Something at 0.5mV or less is better. My cartridge is 0.25mV and works great. I hope it all works out well for you.

So the Supercap is not powering both the 282 and Superline, as the 282 powers the later via AUX. Is it right

The 282 is being powered with a hi-cap. The supercap is only powering superline. The 250 is connected to the hi-cap also. The superline works great in this configuration.

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I’ve been looking at Lyra and Dynavector cartridges. I have a linn turntable, so I was considering a linn cartridge.

I use both Lyra (mono and stereo) and Dynavector cartridges with my Superline. They sound fabulous. The Lyra Atlas I have are 0.25mV output and the Dynavector XV-1s is 0.3mV, perfect for the standard Superline.

There is no good reason to get a Linn cartridge just because you have a Linn turntable. You should only get a Linn cartridge if you like the sound of the Linn cartridge. I had a Linn LP12 for 20+ years and never owned a Linn cartridge.


If you pick Lyra go for the SL version for the standard supercap. If your Linn has an Aro I was given a very strong recommendation for an Ortofon Cadenza Bronze from my old dealer when he had a Naimed Linn at home but that was Aro specific.

What you really mean is a Lyra ‘SL’ variant is optimal for the standard SuperLine. Whether or not a SuperCap is used with it doesn’t change that choice between SL and non-SL.

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Correct but I can’t edit my post.

I would go for a Linn Cartridge for your LP12.
I had a Lyra Delos,not a good match for LP12/Naim ,sounded analytical and boring.

This may just show how hard it is for us to generalise.

I had many Linn cartridges over the years on 2 LP12s, including an Arkiv and a couple of Krystals. All were good, but the Lyra Kleos has no disadvantages to my ear, with a bit more detail and space and at least as much pacy boogie. The exchange terms are also better.

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Hi Richard
I’m keen to try a Superline but am slightly worried about the gain. I’m currently using a ART9xa which output is only 0.2 mV, do you think a Superline’s gain would be suitable or a little on the low side? Also would I need an Airplug?

The Superline has a very high gain so no problems with a cartridge with a 0.2mV output. You don’t need an air-plug, but it’s icing on the cake.


Great, thanks Richard. I think I’ll get one in to have a listen.

There are different Airplugs, which is ideal for the ART9?

You can try the standard loading plugs and if you decide on one you like you can get an Airplug for that value. @Cymbiosis might also be able to help with suggestions.


I suggest the 453R :+1:t2: