Supermarket Snobbery 2

When you go to the newspaper aisle within the larger Tesco supermarkets (and admittedly others)
You will always find the first and largest section has The Daily Mail.

We’ve a whole supermarket snobbery thing going over here in Ireland as well. And I hate listening to the incessant nannying audio announcements but end up forgetting my headphones!


In our nearest “One Stop” (which is a Tesco corner shop franchise basically), the local newspaper ends up at the bottom of a pile and which pile that is changes from week to week.

Looking for this elusive paper every week has taught me that the one certainty is that the Racing Post is always underneath the Financial Times, but that sometimes the Socialist Worker is under there too.



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For some reason in Pangbourne, which is a lovely small town outside Reading , the Co-op and Miths always sell the Morning Star. There I’ve done the impossible, got the word lovely and Reading in the same sentence

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That would be for the students at the ex Naval College …

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On holiday on Sark a few years ago I was surprised that one of the few shops seemed to be a branch of Waitrose … most products were from the essential range. I still can’t figure out how they managed to become partners.

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There is a branch of Waitrose on Guernsey, so i guess if produce has been shipped to Guernsey, another boat ride makes little difference?

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