Yes there is: see audiocomponents .nl
Thank you - it certainly puts a smile on my face when listening that’s for sure. I’ve had my LP12 for 38 years now so am beginning to get used to it😀
I also got 50 pics of the building proces. I will not share them here. Where is the best place to do that?
Just start a new thread in the hi-fi corner section - I’d love to see them myself.
I would love to see these pictures.
Have you ever assembled an Ikea cabinet?
The last set of instructions I had from Ikea resembled a Daily Mail article i.e little to do with reality and somewhat disjointed
it must however be still harder to assemble this diy speakers, not ?
I had in the past assembled some ikea without major difficulties. But it may have changed in 20 years…
Hi Toon. I think I recognise your system from the Naim Facebook group. Looking good!
Because Mr Agreeable says NO!!!
@Mike_S,…Do I see correctly,.that you have got a water-damage.?
It looks like a broken copper-tube.
In Sweden,.it is forbidden to have hidden joints on water-pipes,but in older houses this is still common.
Yes, water damage. We think at this stage from the plug outlet on the bath above. Fixable, but will need to repair 1/3 off the ceiling and will probably add a ceiling hatch. Nothing compared to being in the Bahamas.
Wouldn’t go near flat packed myself. I never understand a manufacturer who expects me to buy something from them and then put it together myself. I do have a Quadraspire record cabinet, but my dealer kindly assembled it for me. Same with the Fraims. No IKEA in my cottage.
I know a couple of clever folk who built their own speakers and very good they are, but way beyond me, At school I was taught how to solve differential equations, but not how to use a screwdriver.
Oh dear. I came home to a kitchen ceiling like that earlier in the year. Currently my music room looks as bad but for different reasons - I’m just having three new spurs fed into the room.
Oh Mike, what a ghastly thing to happen. Hope things are back to normal asap - Ian
I made a right pigs ear of assembling the Quadrspire , now got it right.
I hope you can get everything fixed as soon as possible and that adding extra sockets etc., will make up for the inconvenience.