What city is that?
Nice patio!
And this lady is amazing and soooo polite, ordered some music and she put extra CDs in and apologised for it taking a week to ship when she was on holiday, amazing service and her “favourite songs” is stunning.
Just listened to a couple of songs on Qobuz and loved it, thanks for musical tip.
Thanks! We are in Munich
Entschuldigung, aber ich konnte nicht widerstehen: Ich habe eine Schwäche für Bayern
Schöne Grüße aus München. Wo kommst du denn her?
Wir sollten besser auf Englisch sprechen: Englisch Forum (international).
I’m from Lisbon, but I love German culture very much. And adore the Bavarian region.
Speakers look impressive, Graham Audio?
The “David and Goliath” system!
Or David and Air system…
Now that, is pure poetry, Graeme!
Think we need to get this thread back on track, this is what my Atom looks like when not in use.
Sht I should have least cleaned the screen first.
After something of an unfortunate detour, I’ve cleaned up this thread, and removed anything recent that was off-topic or breached forum AUP.