System Pics 2021

Take a Beck’s and have a lie down


Sorry Mike went to bed after I posted.

School boy error on your dealers part :grin:

Naughty pete

Alternatively, why is it so hard for owners to read the manual? You can’t blame Naim if people don’t bother to make the effort.


Very good point HH - it ain’t that difficult

So what’s the logic reason behind R/L not being streamlined between Naim products? Why the resistance in just make it simple removing all questions? You can make the most challenging product in the world and just point at a 500 pages manual. Is that a great UX you think?

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I’d suggest you are creating an issue that doesn’t exist. It’s all in the manual. There are more important things to worry about.


In his defense , I had my 250 wired incorrectly and he just swapped terminals over. Thanks for the answers .Back to the thread in hand…

Read the manual? Real men don’t read manuals, or ask for directions :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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“All I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from the cold night air.
With one enormous chair oh
Wouldn’t it be luvverly?”


Surely a balance knob does not increase the volume, it decreases the volume.

Just sayin’

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I don’t think either are challenging (product or manual), you either read a manual or get your dealer to set it up. I find most Naim products are fuss free just plug in and enjoy your music. Your dealer would or should help out if you’ve got a problem with something.

The pre amps do need an update but not based on performance or quality, think the problem is features (headphone/phono amp/better volume control) and maybe removing the “record” option or reorganising input/output layout. There’s no need to update the power amps imo as I’m a big fan of the classic/500 look, there’s always room for tweaks internally. It’s about music, I just want to connect and forget who wants stuff thats that challenging you end up spending all your time listening to your electronics. The main reason for owning Naim is the ability to just get on and play music like my speakers they just disappear.

I think Naims gear is generally rock solid, in my 26 years of ownership I don’t think I’ve ever had a problem that wasn’t resolved over the phone or at the dealers. Think I’ve said it before I wished everything I owned was as reliable as my black boxes.

PS I have a few software issues with my UST2 but touch wood it’s working fine now.



No, those with a separate balance knob don’t flash when centred, nor can you centre them by pressing both balance buttons on the remote.

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Did the same error when o plugged in existing speaker cables to my 140. Naim don’t follow the regular convention.
They could change a lot of things but don’t.
I was more impressed that I spotted the hi hat was coming from the left speaker.
As for reading the manual? I’m male. And when I get a new toy…

XPSDR added to my 272. Holy…


Perhaps not everyone has the same furniture or size and shape of listening room aa you.

Like the balance control, I am glad that my amps have the recording buttons option. There are still a few people that make mix tapes and we have a Revox 77 that is only used once or twice a year, mainly to check that it is still working and for reasons of nostalgia.

Mike - if your speaker cables use the Naim twin banana plugs into the amplifier, then check the wiring on them too because they will either have had reversed polarity before or are so now. It’s easy to open the plug and switch the banana points over if required (no soldering needed!).

Oooh another Vertere DG-1. What a great piece of kit. I’m tossing up between that or going all out for an MG-1. What cartridge and phono stage do you use?

Benz Micro Ace SL and Heed Quasar.