System Pics 2021

Hi @Marantz1300
Thanks for posting the pictures of the NAC 12 internals and rear, interesting to see this early naim unit.
Please could you also post an image of the front?

French elegance :joy:

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My 282, SuperCap, and 250.2 (purchased 2004) have been returned after being serviced and re-capped by Darren at Class A Audio. This was my kit’s 1st service. So I was expecting an uplift in enjoyment, but not to the degree that I have.

Also, the basics have all been sorted out. It pulled a little to the left, the mids and highs on the right were less prominent. It did sound a little muddied in the mid-band. Now, the soundstage has been returned to being absolutely spot on. My music now has more kick, more detail, better contrasts between quiet and loud. Overall, an outstanding contrast between pre and post servicing.

When I received the invoice from Darren, he noted the parts that had been replaced. So being inquisitive I googled some of the caps and had a read of the manufactures descriptions. Interestingly most caps have a working life of between 2000 and 5000 hours. How does that tie into Naim’s recommend servicing schedule? A question for people a lot more in the know than I.

My walls may seem a little bare; I’ve removed some pictures I don’t want in the public domain.



Thanks Mark, I hadn’t considered that, I’ll consult Google for suppliers.

The Kanta 2’s sounded really good in my last house but the room was 6m square. I’ve had/having a devils job over the last 18 months in my new house - just shows the importance of the room in the choices we make!

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@Farthings-cat I know what you mean about the Kanta 2s. I auditioned them a couple of times at different dealers and found the same thing - that they could be boomy. But otherwise there was something special about them with Naim gear and I wanted to give them a try in my home. I gave them lots of room to breathe - 5 feet from the front wall and clear of sidewalls. That made an improvement but what really helped was placing a broadband absorption panel from GIK on the wall behind each one. Everything clicked into place. The bass became clear, tight and deep immediately. I ordered a pair after a week of demoing them - still waiting for them to arrive, naturally. . .

If you can play with room placement and treatment they might be able to work in your room. Otherwise you may indeed need to audition different speakers.


New OB1i’s to go with the recent Supernait 2.
Witch Hat Phantom speaker cable is on order.
Then, barring a lottery win, that’s me done. (Cue much forum laughter and wifely disbelief)


New speakers!!! PROAC D20 ribbon. The set up was easier than B&W702, less soundstage and impact but more sophisticate sound. Quite brilliant at low volume, perfect and intimate with Ben Webster sax. No room boom also they are too close to the wall. we will see… next?


Thankyou DrMark, I considered it, but now I bought D20R. we will see…

It was untested when I bought it, so I did not know if it would work .
When plugged in it worked fine and has a relaxing unforced tone and pace to it.
A real foot tapper.
I might remove the plug and make it another pre-out.


Great speakers! Give them a little bit of time to fully break-in.

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I am a huge fan of ProAc with Naim. Currently running the D28s. Have also had the old Tablette Sigs, demoed some Studio 140s, and my Response D2s.

It sounds already like the D20Rs are doing well in your setup, and of course, will only get better as they break in! Enjoy!

Lovely room and system. The EJ eponymous album is good too!

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Very nice. It looks like you have some other interesting classic kit there too.

That sounds a bit fishy.

Ugh - typo - fattest fingers on a keyboard anywhere right here.

Although I hear seasoned breadcrumbs yield a more robust midrange response than flour and egg.

This is brand new from today. Harbeth C7es3-XD speakers to replace Totem Tribe Towers.


You blowing your own trumpet? Sorry couldn’t resist! :0)


Are you piccoloing on his trumpet?

(I know, it is actually a pocket trumpet - the piccolo trumpet has 4 valves IIRC.)

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Hi @DrMark and @DanielH I refrained from being specific as I wasn’t too sure, looks neat though. My standard Bflat B&H affair was sold when we moved home a few years ago, it came into the “do I use this enough to justify keeping it?” category and sadly it lost. Never mind the new owner, a 10year old was really chuffed with his new (old) instrument, I hope that his parents still are!

Did you get bored of the Tribe Towers? By the way I hope you’ll be even happier with your latest purchase.

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