System Pics 2021

No, I wasn’t bored with the Totems. They are great speakers. But, the Harbeths just sound perfect to my ears, especially with voices. The midrange is to die for. They also sound bigger than the small Totems and have more bass.

I also really like their “old school” look with the beautiful veneer.


Thanks for the insight, I would like to try some Harbeths as well (voices should sound great as many say). Lately I tried Focal and Neat, but I’m definitely a Totem guy so far (lately I tested the Forests, I really liked them).

How are the Evokes going ? My dealer has suggested the Evokes stand mounts

Why not get an 82 with Supercap instead of 282. Much of a muchness and will save you a ton.


Eye to eye

With their metal cone, the Responses 1.5 always leave the impression that I am being watched by them.


Thank you for your suggestion. I have had a look on line at 82’s now. I have chrome and ‘the new look’ in my existing system but for some reason not a huge fan of the Olive. Not a great reason i accept to not go with the 82 over the 282!

Hiya- really well , just seem to work with all genres and have opened up nicely now. I would love a pair of 40’s but given that at higher vols these little evokes can push too much bass for my room I think that would be a mistake. Treble is sweet and detailed but took an age to come on song. I would recommend them without hesitation if you can give them a bit of air behind- 21cm on mine from cabinet to dry lined wall. I’m using supernait 3 and phantom


Many Thanks, I have P3ESR (Does that stand for Extremely Small Room?) , superb with voices , show them Hayden - also superb - but sometimes lacking in warmth and oomph , also want something easier to drive -


My dealer suggests Evokes -at the moment just thinking about the short list, also would consider slim floor stander . I think some of the Pro-Ac range may be good .

best wishes


You could try some of these…


They are definitely the best looking small speakers around.

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They were one the first speakers that crossed my mind, thanks to your advocacy for them

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The evokes are lovely and rich but not slow or laid back…sound great at low vols so pretty much a perfect speaker in my room


That’s what I am looking for, as a lot of my listening is at low level

They are certainly a very nice looking speaker, especially on their matching column stands. I didn’t consider them as they are rear ported and we need something that works well against the wall. It’s good to see lots of people happy with their various small speakers, and isn’t it great that there are so many good ones to choose from.


My speakers.
At the moment I have the Kan’s with the 12,140 and the Eaton’s with the 32.5, Snaps,250.
I use Spotify with both systems. The 12s also has the TV via a Cambridge DAC and XBox 1 running through it.
The 32.5 has a LP12, and Teac Tape deck feeding it.
My Musical Fidelity P270 is idle at the moment( fault on the Pre A, MX and MVT preamps).They were in use for years, The P270 is fantastic. Sometimes I use it with the Meridian 101.
The Meridian M2’s are in my son’s bedroom., as are the Celestion SL600’s.
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I found the Tab 10s a little hard to drive with my Nait 2. The Spendor Classic 4/5s are easier to drive and sound sublime. Options.


Gorgeous veneer @anon27418182!! :grinning:

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Nice - what speakers are they?

Hi CL, they are PMC Fact 12 speakers placed on Townsend Podiums. ATB Peter

Lovely, far better looking than those tab 10’s in my opinion. :+1: