System Pics 2021

You must have some amazing pictures if you are happy to leave the Hopper on display! :grinning:


Could be pics of family, for example. The less my ugly mug appears on the internet the better…although it is out there because it’s nearly impossible to avoid these days. I notice realtors often blur family pics when they take shots of rooms for the online listings.

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Thanks - appreciated

Exactly that, DrMark. :+1:t2:

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My favourite painting of all time. I’m very lucky to have the original hanging in my living room………

Or is it King and McGaw……

I manage to use my basement
I know what you mean about the light , but I quite like the peace and quiet and I can turn it up with disturbing the whole house or even loaded when the wife is out!


I absolutely love that room! Looks like somewhere I could spend many many hours!


The mighty 552 has landed…



Time to update your profile, Graeme. Enjoy the 552!

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Enjoy it’s a great preamp.

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For getting the most out of Apple Music for headphone listening from the MacBook Air and iPhone.


Excellent dac

:hear_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:

No no no! Can’t afford it, don’t want to hear it or inevitably I’ll start thinking how I might…

(Still looking forward to reading your happiness with it!!!)

Enjoy, Graeme! :champagne:


“Man cave” wonderful! Have often dreamt about such a thing. Lovely. Perhaps provision for some good ale and it would be absolute perfection :upside_down_face:

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Basements are a wonderful thing - how I wish I had one to use in this same manner as you do. But in the clay soil here (and it was even worse when I lived in Dallas) you can’t have them. Great room.


Indeed it is called Man Cave ! The room is a tanked basement . Lots of water below but it’s a suspended floor and water tight ….


Has anyone use them for an I phone . Might be useful in the garden ? But need to hard wire headphones ? Correct

What a wonderful room! I love our house but it doesn’t have a basement unfortunately.

you are very lucky to have this whole room to yourself. I am sacrificed in a limited space and my Kudos Cardea C20 cannot give the best of their performance. sic … sic … sic …

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