System Pics 2021

HH, on your previous single stack system, were did you have your empty shelf. Between the CD3/552/300HU and power supplies or between the CD3/552 and the other 4 boxes.
Yes base plus 6 Fraims will be quite ungainly

Looks cosy and homely. Lovely :relaxed:

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Very cosy looking!

I will never get used to seeing Naim speakers positioned hard up against the wall and surrounded by equipment like that. I am sure that’s how they sound best but every part of me wants to pull it out a foot and angle it slightly toward the listening spot.


That would destroy their balance Mark. They are very discreet and are brilliant at what they do. Holographic they are not, but they do throw a massive soundstage for their size. So involving too…


It was the former. In fact it wasn’t exactly a gap as I had a tuner in there, but as it only has a small transformer it doesn’t really count.

the Guinness is a perfect accompaniment

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System gets a bit better run in each month since the service of pre and psu.


Sometimes this chap comes to the window and says he loves the crystalline quality of the 252 with the SL2s…


Thank you @jhsnider, I used to pair the dsm3 with Linn 4200 power amp before but prefer the little nait 1. It’s an amazing amp. By the way, my listening area is not so big then the nait is driving the ls3/5a easily.


I have two more shelves in case I want to go higher… :thinking:


Hi @Dan, I recently changed my much loved 82 for an ex-dem 252 and am very happy with it. The differences between the two amps have been discussed by many on this forum.
But, I have never heard a 552 , which is probably just as well😉.

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Graeme, Super looking room, it’s great to see a “ high end” system with such unobtrusive aesthetics.
It only seems five minutes since you were enthusing about the 272!


My wife used to live in student accommodation right next to University Parks in Oxford, and one night we had one of those visitors. The window was wide open… As you might imagine, my wife was rather shocked and screamed, which probably contributed further to the bat’s disorientation – it crawled into a corner for protection. Poor animal! We managed to get the bat back into the garden, and I think it was fine in the end…


Here is my baby setup - Nait2, ND5XS2, Allaes with Phantom speaker cable.

Allaes are toed in but this works within this room.

Cracking sound from a modest setup, love it :grinning:


Perfect :ok_hand:

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I see you have two ND5XS2’s Hifiman, one used with Chord products, and one using it’s own DAC. I am yet to try my ND5XS2 using its internal DAC, do you notice a big difference between the two systems sound? I keep meaning to try it’s analog outs, but still have not.


That’s a Statement killer right there!

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On the main setup I once tried the ND5XS2 direct into the 282 and for the money its an excellent product plenty of punch and drive, lovely, but the MScaler takes the ND5XS2 into another league.

The Nait 2 / ND5XS2 is an excellent pairing, the two products are 30 years apart but it’s as though they were made for each other :grin:

Anyway a pic of the main rig with the new SCDR bottom right



Since installing dedicated mains a few years back, I’ve kept an eye out for a couple of pre-loved Powerlines to finish the job. A couple of Powerlines arrived today, so before a rack strip down in a couple of weeks time to do some cable sorting, mount the Sonos connect onto the wall out of the way behind the rack and have a general vacuum up, I thought I’d give them a go.

A good move on the mains front I think, for both Naim and non Naim kit :+1: