System Pics 2021

You are a real home decoration designer James! A nice synergy of forms and colors between the rack, the speakers, the plant…


… the scale …


Why thank you FR - it’s the only part of the room not occupied by dog beds and dog toys at the moment :wink:


You’ve been talking to Mrs n - that’s what she calls the amp too.

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I very much like the natural looks of isoblue.


Room looking great James. Love the Compasses carving their way through the jungle! For some reason I had thought you’d changed the Shahinian’s for something else(?) clearly not :slightly_smiling_face:

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machined to perfection


Hi yes just tried on my new Mac works great to my Atom , don’t have to rely on having iPhone handy and means can control via my office Mac. Qobuz app ( and Tidal) only streams via chrome cast which for me is rubbish never worked for always cutting out ( shame they’ve stopped the UPnP ) have been using older version of Audirvana and tried Roon but this app is free!!

I can see marks. :0)

Thanks Kevin. Yes speaker plans went on hold as we adopted a rescue pup earlier in the year (and maybe adopting another). I’m still very fond of the Shahinians so no real rush…

Hope your latest house move has gone ok :+1:

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Thanks James. Interested to know which speakers you have/had in mind for a switch?
House move is stressful, but really enjoying Somerset so far. People are really nice and the area is lovely. I could do with having some good music to unwind in front of at the end of the day, but since we need to do some internal rebuilding, the system remains in boxes 4 weeks after it was boxed up, as we are still knee deep in moving boxes - not wanting to unpack stuff that we’ll then need to find a home for when the work starts. But withdrawal is starting to really hurt, so I’ve earmarked a bedroom to at least set up the vinyl source system. Just need to find the time and energy to get it done. Hopefully tomorrow :grimacing::slightly_smiling_face:

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Good luck - I hate that “knee-deep in moving boxes” (or even waist-deep in some instances) phase of relocating; sometimes it seems it will never end. But take heart, it does!

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Something like this?

And that’s just the system and records the rest of the load is out of sight.
I feel exhausted all over again just looking at it.


Yeah, that’s the one Yeti. I was going to take a pic of mine, but it’s pretty much identical… until tomorrow!:+1::musical_score::crossed_fingers:

New Bedroom system.


XS-2 arrived. Added a spare hicap nd Bob’s your wotsit.


@bruss Love your “System Pic”.
Simplicity itself.
Those Kans look fab’.


Ok, I have to ask, what does “Bob’s your wotsit” mean? Is it like “Bob’s your Uncle” here in North America? Love the bedroom system BTW.

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Sorry, yes Bobs your uncle.


The Frontend


Hi PeterR,
I like the look of your system. I see where your hifi is, where does the speaker cable run for the right speaker, between the rugs? Does it cause any trip hazards?