System Pics 2021

Looks like it follows the door frame under the rug?

Spot on Stu. There is a 1 inch gab between the rug and the step up door frame, where it runs very happily and of course not touching the bifold due to potential nasty vibration :+1:t3::nerd_face: ATB Peter


Thank you for that. My system is still evolving, I have a patio door also, my speakers and hifi are on the same wall. In the future, I may move the hifi but I would have to bridge the patio doors with two speaker cables. If Iā€™m allowed.

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I have a 252 with Supercap DR and NAP500 (non DR). Itā€™s a cracker but am still hankering for a 552

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Oh yes the blessings of SWMBO :face_with_head_bandage: I was very fortunate that my wife suggested to use the room as a hifi room and ā€˜ Do with it what you likeā€™.
Canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever been keen on gear stacked up between my speakers. They do very much favour having space to breathe and of course diffraction could also play in with boxes near level of the speaker baffles. My speakers are 1.6 metres in front of wall.
Once you put the stacks down the side wall try to keep them below ear height. This prevents spurious reflections of the gear frontage itself, but could also enable you to treat 1st reflections proper. Admittedly as per above it sounds as if thatā€™s a no goer for you. Good luck with it :+1:t3: Peter

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Yes, you got that in one :smiley:
My ā€˜music roomā€™ is multi purpose, the patio doors face south west, plenty of sun, a good place to sit. The record deck is between the speakers and is directly in the sun, so I have to cover it up to afford protection from the sun.

I understand the worse place for a TT is between the speakers, If I could move it from its present position. I think the benefit would be two fold but the cables would have to bridge the doors.

Iā€™ll work on it but Iā€™ll not push too hard, after all, I do know which side by toast is buttered on. :+1:

I have seen turntables on a top shelf sitting in between speakers, and have seen them on a top shelf 1/2 meter in front of a speaker off to the side on the wall due to this thinking of ā€œ no kit between speakersā€. I find it hard to believe that a rack of Naim boxes and a turntable 1/2 meter in front of a speakers line of fire is better than in between. Just my humble opinion. I myself would not worry too much about it.



Hi Scott, I would agree with you that a sensitive piece of equipment like a turntable shouldnā€™t be close to the speakers at all. ā€˜ Not to worryā€™ is of course always a good place to be- Iā€™m just not very good at that aspect :face_with_raised_eyebrow: ATB Peter

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Ooh - you have to be careful with that, it doesnā€™t always mean what you think (Iā€™m glad it did for you).

There was an advert in the bay some time ago for a motorcycle - brand new, hardly used. The reason for selling was something like ā€œWhen your wife says ā€˜Just do what you wantā€™ she doesnā€™t actually mean that.ā€

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LOL. A bit like " Just do what you want"

Hi Beachcomber.

Yes teheā€¦.also imagine the prices of hifi that will come up on Ebay, where a widow is selling the gear for 40% of the price her deceased husband told her, he paid for it! :joy::scream: Best Peter


And you could probably beat her down on the price ā€œOh, these are old fashioned now, no real call for them these days. Tell you what, Iā€™ll take them off your hands, and wonā€™t even charge youā€

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Very nice.

Hi @Onthlam

Interesting looking set up, could you give us some equipment details please?

Well done! The color of your components matches your legs.
Apart my kidding, very nice system and room.
Can you detail it?

Innuos Statement
Chord Dave
Chord M Scaler
Innuos Phoenixnet
Full loom of Sarum T including mainsā€¦
All kit on Sonority shelves
All Sonority on Fraim
Audience mains distribution
JPS mains cable
Equitech 10kva balanced power transformer
Lightning Eliminatorā€™s custom chemical ground rod
RealTraps room treatment
Floating floor with acoustic barrier
Amps,speakers,and pre are bespoke
Tubes sourced from Upscale Audio -
Kevinā€™s stashā€¦


Thank you.

The OCD in me canā€™t unsee the Naim logos on the bases!