System Pics 2021

Which - the upside-down ones?

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I thought you had a CD555?

I doā€¦


Gaiaā€™s amazed meā€¦ couldnā€™t quite believe the difference they madeā€¦

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Yup, and the phrase ā€œWhat kind of magic is this?ā€ comes to mind. :man_shrugging:

Iā€™m used to a fairly tall soundstage, given the height of my Neat MF9s, but 3D front to rear soundstage, with instruments appearing at varying distances from my ears ā€¦ really?

Superb piece of kit. :+1:


Obviously inspired by my Avatar :innocent:

Seen that happen with a good friend of mine no sooner had they zipped body bag up she had listing on Ebay for bidding. It went very quickly less than half what Peter paid.
Divorce is the same my ex wanted half of money from my previous setup (needless to say it disappeared) got to look after number 1

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@Onthlam I like it, the only Naim in the system is the Fraim.

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Did she want to get you and your hifi out of the sitting room? :rofl: :rofl:

What power amp did you have before the 500? What benefits did you gain ? Would consider a 52 or 252/500 combination.

And the reason of all the bass traps is to not be able to hear his wife voice too

Appears to be a joke?
Otherwise, Iā€™d think it was a rude commentā€¦

Well, it actually never entered the main hub space which serves as kitchen/diner/seating area ( 10x5 ) metres. After moving into our new build house the system got plonked in a living room ( 6x3.5 metres ) where we quickly realised, that the room was surplus to requirements as a social/entertaining space. When I finally found time to sit down and listen, I realised that the system was soundingā€¦. well bloody awful in the room. So the journey started and 2 years later blissfully ended.
As for my wifeā€™s suggestion she genuinely meant, that I could go all out with acoustic treatment. Sheā€™s a good old girl wifey! :hugs:
I suppose we are also lucky, that we donā€™t have to accommodate a telly downstairs, as we only
watch about an average 1 hour every 3 months upstairs in a guest room to which the TV has been allocated almost like the naughty corner. ATB Peter
Main hub space:


It was a joke. Nothing rude. But honestly, I prefer to see components than men legs.


What about womenā€™s legs? :grin:


Theyā€™re placeholders for when he comes back to Naim


Imported from Australia?

Had the 250DR before the 500.

Basically got more of everything. Deeper bass, more detail, bigger dynamic range.

The law of diminishing returns is obvious though but the 2nd hand 500 was certainly a great value upgrade.

For those of us who were on the original forum in 1997, you would remember the first picture of a manā€™s legs pointing towards the speakers. This, first done, by a gent named Ron Toolsieā€¦ it became convention from that point on.
Must have socks onā€¦


Iā€™d add a suitably appropriate foot stool is appreciated alsoā€¦