System Pics 2021

Hi Bob,

Have you tried alternatives to those stands?

I ask as I got a pair of them when I bought a pair of small speakers to use in our extension a few months ago. I tried the stands in my nearfield set up, my cheap acoustic foam wedges were MUCH better.


Source, aka Turntable, upgrade accomplished by yesterday: New plinth (Wenge wood) and feet for the Garrard installed by Martina Schöner.


Many thanks,
I’ve seen those foam wedges and had given them some thought and may well give them a try I had the Ikea stands left over from when I had some other speakers so thought I’d try them first.

I can get the wedges delivered here from Amazon so may well give them a try.

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Many thanks 39 degrees today though which is a bit warm.

OK, it’s a mess, but I’m back up and running with a HiFi for the first time in 5 weeks since moving house. Vinyl only for simplicity’s sake.

Looks awful and I daren’t show the rest of the room behind the listening position because it’s still wall to wall boxes and junk, but this is set up in an annexe, seperate to the rest of the house. A decent 18’ x 20’ room.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been deprived of decent sound for so long, but it’s actually sounding awesome :crazy_face:


Cracking speakers :slight_smile:

Breaking and making all the connections might give everything a lift?

Hello Marc,

Thanks a lot for your Quick Response. Yes this helps for the beginning.
When our house is ready it would be nice, If i can come up with the one or the other question.i had a Look on Website Cardas. Thats a perfekt Start. My room will be 4x7m with a height of 2,6m. Lets See what can be done with it

One doesn’t hear that one often


True enough! Simplicity here is forced by lack of connectivity in the annexe; no WiFi or ethernet out here. But it also meant setting up just 5 boxes and a turntable. Only 3 power cables. Adding the streamer would entail ND555 plus 2x 555PS, Unitiserve, switch and NAS to be powered and connected up.
This system is simple given the situation. It’s back to the 70’s in style!:grinning:


Please feel free to contact me

Absolutely no change from 2020. Speakers may be moved on later this year but everytime I listen, the MAs sound wonderful.
Very low level stuff compared with your lovely systems here but I am happy. My spare money goes on music to play on it.


Nice set up Neil. You are happy with it and thats what matters! Enjoy the music!!


That looks great. Let’s face it, you have a £10,000+ system, incredibly high level out in the real world and something more than good enough to give hours of delight.


The comments above by Inmynaim and HH are both spot-on IMHO.

You are enjoying what you have: our systems are meant to be an interest, a hobby, a source of enjoyment and in some cases the making of friends, not a source of hand-wringing or conferring of envy.

Hope your enjoyment continues!


Can I ask HH how warm your SN3 gets in the confines of the isoblue. I only ask as the main reason I added risers was my SN3 got quite warm when on all day with radio on while working, plus I had the risers anyway. But I agree it looks neater without them

It certainly gets a bit warmer than in a Fraim but I wouldn’t say it’s too warm. The NDX2 gets warmer too. But given that these things are used in much hotter countries than the U.K. I can’t imagine it’s a big problem. I guess if you have an idle hour you could try removing the spacers. You can always put them back again.


I’ve had various boxes on my Isoblue rack over the years, including a Superuniti, NDX and 250DR amongst other things. My Chord Dave probably runs hotter that anything else, but none of them ever ran too hot. As long as you have a bit of space behind the rack as well as in front I think you’ll be fine.

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That is a good-looking rack too. I know I have seen this variety before on the forum, but don’t recall the make.

Hi, its an Atacama

Thanks - I now remember why I don’t remember - they appear to be unavailable in the USA.