System Pics 2021

I know, needs a Fraim really. …But that will take some negotiation :thinking:

And no, the chair is not the listening position……:slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, a Fraim would look really nice in that corner. The current setup is rather too black and gloomy. I bet it sounds good though.

I’m working on it🤫

I guess maple and silver wouldn’t work for you, which is a shame.

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A bit of a sales pitch there Nigel :grin:

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Unfortunately not. :roll_eyes:

May I ask what have you got under your speakers what is the distance between the speakers? The reason I ask is because I may be getting a pair but was a bit concerned about the gap between the speakers as I would have to position then closer that the recommended distance. What speakers did you upgrade from?

My 606s are 1.8 metre apart.
I have had them 1.6 with no problems.

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They are a little closer than I would like. So the distance between the tweeters is just about 6.5 feet. The soundstage is still very good though. I previously used Linn Keilidhs but they were in an active tri-amped system with 3 Linn LK140s in a different setting. They needed more space around them though.
The 606s have Gaia 2 isolation feet fitted as our suspended wooden floor is very difficult to deal with. It’s a temporary problem as we will move in the next couple of years. The Gaias are pretty effective but I am sure Townshend Podiums would work even better, however I would struggle to gain approval for those on aesthetic grounds. (Size 1 is just too small and Size 2 would be a step to far!)
Needless to say, the Kudos are far more detailed and revealing compared to the Linns. The Keilidhs served me well though and especially in active form were probably underrated in their time. that was nearly 30 years ago though!

Thank you.

Thank you for this. Good luck with the move.

I’m done no more upgrades


300 just arrive today then? And……what do you think?


I’ve owned the 300 for a while now well before the 282, love the amps they work well with the SL2s.

My mistake, you were not the forum member waiting on his to arrive.


Nice rack, but totally wrong equipment …:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Well, that’s only because the components aren’t connected to each other. :joy:

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That was me! Couple of weeks to wait I think. The 300 has gone back to Naim for a service!!

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Maybe, the object was the rack only.