System Pics 2021

I know, just kidding…

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Famous last words…… :wink: Enjoy Peter

In a first world problems kind of way I’ve had a bit of a mare since moving house just before lock down 1 but have now settled on my system being in this room……

The planned room was an acoustic nightmare due to lowish ceiling, plasterboard walls with big gaps between them and a plaster boarded up fireplace - the system sounded dreadful…… tried different speakers, linn select with sound optimisation but nothing worked and didn’t want to commit to going down the GIK route with room treatment.

Moved system into the above room which has its own challenges being round (diameter c5m) my Focal Kanta’s, which sounded great in my old house (5.5m square) but in my round room they boomed all over the place ergo I have some 505’s on demo - still running in and have been up and down but are now starting to settle in, plan to try the 606’s next week but fear the bass maybe too much - this finding the right speakers lark is a bit of a faff……

Given the room and the listening position is right up against the back wall it is a bit of a challenge so may have to consider some sort of GIK panel but it just adds a layer of faffing when all I want to do is enjoy the music!

Something very delightful about the Kudos speaker although it does struggle in my room to give it a bit of volume.



Looking good but it’s surprising how much the room affects the synergy. Good luck with the speaker selection.

that’s a very nice room.

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A very pleasing room.

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I have Titan 606’s positioned only 5 inches from the wall, and the bass is really strong, with no booming. I didn’t try the 505’s so cannot comment on those. You have a really nice system, in a lovely room.

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I’ve been using Titan 606s for nearly two years after comparing them to the 505 and some more expensive Bower and Wilkins speakers.

I preferred the bass presentation of the 606 over the 505 so it will be interesting to hear your comments.

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I feel for you with the room situation. I have been there. It can be really frustrating when you know better sound is possible but it’s just out of reach due to the positioning. I think it’s good to have a change of speakers as you will not know how those speakers perform elsewhere so their sound in that room is all you know, possibly allowing you to relax a bit more and enjoy it.

The Kudos Titan 505s certainly look right in that room.

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I have not streamed any music since 2 weeks, the P10/Kleos / Ear 912 is too good !


Lovely room - very inviting with a relaxing view to the outside.

I also like the piece between the speakers - very cool retro.

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Well done FR - I admire a man with that much of a hifi and that small of a TV.

Shows good priorities in choosing between quality and bullshit! :rofl:


From the sitting place you see at the right of the tv, we are near enough it.
82 cm screen is no more we need. The tv is not connected to my system, I don’t want to pollute it :laughing:

I am aware of eventual WAF factors, but I wonder if you could swap the Fraim place with the cabinet place, and then have the speakers at the actual Fraim place. That way you would not have the windows behind the speakers, which may be the most important problem.

Here’s mine, it’s an awkward room and I have no dedicated rack but it’s very enjoyable to listen too.
The turntable, Thorens TD-206 with Clear Audio Concept MM along with a NAT05, ND5XS and NAC152XS. The NAP155XS is in the unit below the turntable and I’ve run the speaker cables under the floor in the basement.
The power runs down the right side and the signal the left of the wood unit.


nice room, I’m sure I’ve seen a number of pictures of your frame and boxes but this is a fresh perspective


Thanks Chris

Incroyable, j’adore le truc!

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Gary, two ‘speakers I am considering for the future (not being one to waste my dealer’ time until I am really going to make a move) are Kerr Acoustics K320mk3 and ATC SCM40A. one passive, one active. I only have a small room but like a bit of oomph to the sound when the fancy takes me.

The Kerrs are t/l and the ATCs are sealed baffles. Both are the same £ if basic finishes are selected for The Kerrs.