System Pics 2021

A picture of my new Harbeth C7es3-XD without the grilles.


They are lovely looking speakers.

Thank you HH!

What finish is that Daniel? Oak? Ash? Looks great.

Thanks. The finish is Tamo ash.

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Hi Daniel,
What speaker cables did you choose at last?

Hi David. I have Tellurium Q Ultra Black II.

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Oh, great cables!
Thanks Daniel,

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Whilst I have my beloved main Naim system in my study/listening room and a couple of Muso’s in the living areas of my home, I’m also quite happy with the system I installed in my garage today consisting of a second hand stereo receiver I picked up for a small amount, a node streamer I had lying somewhere plus the first set of speakers I ever owned, DM 14s dating back to 1984 which were a generous present from my mum on the occasion of graduating from school. Circular economy :blush:


I’m quite interested in the C7 XD’s, how would you describe the presentation with the SN2/SN3?

That is lovely, HH. How did you deal with the speaker cable having to pass by the fire place? Underneath the floorboards?

I really like your picture and the way it picks out the grain on the isoblue rack, you can’t beat a good bit of natural wood and its a constant pleasure in this hobby…

It’s the magic of plastic trunking. We have a concrete floor and when we had the fireplace installed about 25 years ago we asked for the trunking. It works really well.

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Yes, they are very nice. The Special Branch is made by the place that makes fittings for Sunseeker yachts, somewhere near Southampton. The standard Isoblue is made elsewhere, and lacks the solid wood edging.


The C7XDs are a great match with my SN2. The music is fast and boogies when called for, and is delicate and nuanced when the music is softer.

Words that come to mind to describe the sound are : natural, right and precise.
I have owned in the last few years Sonus Faber Venere 2.0 and recently Totem Tribe Towers. They both have strengths and weaknesses; but I far prefer the Harbeth C7 XDs.

The Harbeths don’t emphasize any part of the frequency spectrum, nor do they push some things farther back. The music just comes at you in a similar fashion to a live event (to my ears). String instruments, brass and windwood, etc. all sound natural and vocals are amazing. They are never harsh, but they do not dull the music either.

You can probably tell I love them very much!



I have just been “Pinged” by the NHS app, and have been sentenced to 8 days isolation! :cry:
Cannot access the main system in the living room so am very glad that I recently set up my old Naim CD3 with CB 42.5, Hi-Cap, and 110 in the study, reuniting them with my Kans. The set up isn’t perfect, the speakers are a bit too close together and the wall is not a solid one. But together with the Olympics on the tv, these are proving a life saver.(Apologies for photo quality)


That sucks. Try to make the most of it. You can always request some CDs to be delivered along with you room service. :wink:
Take it easy, one day at a time and it will be over soon.

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I know that feeling we’ve been locked up for over 4 weeks with no end in sight. :slightly_frowning_face:

Luckily I have access to my main system.


Argh. Yep, same here.

Correlation coefficient of lockdown conditions vs. acquisition of more Naim gear is approaching +1 in my case.

Everything is closed here except supermarkets. Meanwhile, I have an NDS, 252 & SuperCap incoming…

Freedom to go out again and waste $$ in bars & restaurants will come as a huge relief to my finances :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


After a year of hibernation to protect it from my then 2 year old daughter, my CD5si is now back in the system :slightly_smiling_face: Hopefully she will now keep away from the CD draw​:crossed_fingers:

Also, after being impressed with the Tannoy Revolution Signature DC6s that I bought for my father a few months ago, I took an eBay auction punt on a pair of Signature DC4T towers - as luck would have it I was the winner. I really like them - Tannoy are onto something with the DC driver. In a larger room they benefit from being paired with a subwoofer or two to add depth and scale but other than that, they are very nice speaker and were UK made too.

Stability isn’t a strong point so I have made a plinth from MDF (my first time using a jigsaw) which I have ‘finished’ with Danish Oil. Certainly not OEM standard but it does the job.

And here is one part of our lounge resembling some weird version a New York skyline :wink: