System Pics 2021

You’re very kind :+1:

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Mine just celebrated their 31st birthday, they are in need of some minor cosmetic tlc, the rather dim lighting on the photo was fortuitous.:wink:

The McIntosh from Robbie in Montrose perchance?


It is indeed! Tried the 552 and 250, but the McIntosh suited my listening preferences/room better on this occasion.


I have ‘your’ 552 :wink:


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Hopefully I warmed it up nicely for you! It’s a great pre-amp, with a frankly holographic ability to present music. I found it just too detailed for my tastes, when listening I spent too much time paying attention to tiny details rather than just enjoying the music.

The C1100 is just a different direction really. A less 3d soundstage, but a warmth and naturalness to the presentation that I fell in love with. The tube pre combined with SS power just worked perfectly for me. Most remarkably the A7s remain and have (for the moment) seen off the likes of Kudos and Wilson’s at 5x the price!


Sure, a completely different sound but It’s absolutely my sound. It’s been 3 weeks on now and today is the first chance I’ve had to really enjoy it.


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Thank goodness Macintosh have provided some nice looking playback-level meters, otherwise how would you know how loud the music is? :wink:


The rain is having a pause for first time today and the sun is trying to peep its head out. Sunshine through the windows of the music room for a long time in not so sunny Essex.


That’s a very lovely bay window. It looks like a wonderful place to listen to music.


Thank you, I like it. Currently listening to some cure and scratching my head at my wife’s choice of curtains…


It is a really nice space - is there any concern about the radiator being as close as it appears to the speaker?

I think I’d choose something fuller and probably with a pattern, given the plain walls, but at least they are a good length.

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The room is reasonably deep and those rads are turned right down so don’t really give out much heat. It is a music room but I still want it to be comfortable, ie not have speaker cables on stands all over the floor and speakers 3 foot into the room. Not that I am against that but it is a bit of a step too far for me. We have friends round sometimes (well we used to!) so did not want it too sterile.

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Thanks for your explanation - hard to tell the distance in a photo, and I just wondered about possible effects on the speakers. It presents as an inviting space for listening.

Hi PSAN, thank you very much for your recommendation. Has arrived in the post from DK and is an amazing recording. The bottom end bandwidth is beautifully resolved with real life dynamics. ATB Peter

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The Clearaudio innovation should put the Nd555 in the shadow, not?

I quite like the color scheme of the room, think it matches well with the green outside

It does. It is probably the single bit of hifi I have bought that has impressed me the most. All the usual cliches apply. The quietness in some classical pieces is amazing and i have heard things in albums I thought I knew very well. For me it is an outstanding turntable.

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Hi everyone, I’m new to the forum. Glad to be a part of the community.
My Naim journey start with the Mu-So…