System Pics 2021

I often see curtains that would be considered too long in my home country. What the reasoning behind the messy (cultural bias…) bottom end? (That’s a genuine question driven by curiosity.)

Those are lovely set ups. I am delighted to see the Audiolab transport in such illustrious company , you have very well thought out systems

What do you think of the KEFs and Atom ? KEFs do’t get the love that some other brands get on this forum and I would be keen to hear from a user

Best wishes and welcome to the forum

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Re the curtains, I really have no idea I am afraid. I leave the decorating and interior stuff to my wife. Only room in the house I have freedom is the garage and that suits me just fine !


I have the Atom too, used to drive those Kef’s. Liked the sound but they really open with Supernait 3, they need more power and control, so much bass with the S3.


Where’s the cat gone ?


Helping me to make a picture)

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Hi Ronsky, I’ve flirted with getting the Audiolab transport for my non naim system but was put off by the stories of scratched CDs. How have you found it because some reviews I’ve seen are super positive,

Audiolab always been a so nearly brand for me, so many close encounters but never owned one (loved the original 8000a, top amp).

I have this Audiolab for 3 years now and have no issues with scratching my CDs, not using much right now with purchase of the NDX2. But constantly looking to find on a used market for CDX2

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I’ve got a cdx2-2 in my naim system but it’s going nowhere, traded in a cdx2 to get one of the last of the line, it’s an epic player

Good news on the CDT, I’ll have a think about that in front of MF MXDAC in place of Rega Apollo CDp.

Seems a ridiculous bargain given the tech inside.


Thank you, I must admit besides the Naim (and Focals) you have two products that I would give serious consideration with .

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I purchased Focal recently and I have in my mind to sell the Kef, but they are still with me…decided to keep them for my another room. Give them a good amplification and you will be happy with them.

I pay for my Audiolab about 300$ in US, easily the best product for the money and sound very good with NDX


Cheaper in US than it’s home market, from memory it is 380 ish GBP, still a bargain.

Apart from the mess that was Tag McLaren hook up Audiolab always been exceptional components from a price / performance and indeed desirability, at least from my point of view.

A good few years ago I gave the 8300 CDP a good listen and took my Guru speakers along. The young lad who was leading the demo had never heard of these speakers and to be honest looked down his nose at their piano finish and spongy feet.

Funniest thing ever was the sound of his jaw hitting the floor when the audiolab system was playing Gregory Porter and these plonked on the end of the hifi furniture that had all the equipment on, demo then changed to him asking me what they were and from.

Usually they 499$ , but found some bargain on Ebay

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Reduced to listening in my son’s band room/ recording studio/ den due to visitors

Could be worse!



More and more my listening space is the cabin, which isn’t exactly a hardship, just means I don’t disturb anyone else in the house.


SJB - Just remind them that company is like fish…after 3 days it starts to stink! :wink:

It seems Naim make us a solitary bunch.

Myself and one dog are enjoying the music.

Mrs Bruss and the other dog are off in the other room watching strictly midsomer on ice or some such.


Midsomer on ice, love it


Managed to catch the Gurus in their blue light phase